Sunday, 13 March 2022

Carter Center's plan to alienate India

 Jimmy Carter is a good Christian man. However, he was and is a foreign policy disaster. It is good to know that the Carter Center, somewhat late in the day, is at last going to join in the struggle to drive a wedge between India and America and thus leave the latter without any friends or other influence in South Asia. Biden, of course, has already alienated Bangladesh by excluding it from his summit and Magnitskying some of its top officials. Myanmar too has been pushed into the Chinese camp. Sri Lanka- which has had universal suffrage since 1931- was snubbed by a deeply racist country which still doesn't grant a universal right to vote but rather leaves it to the States to decide which darkies to exclude. 

Currently, India is the only country in the region where Washington had some influence. This will change. Imran Khan gained politically when he told Biden to shove his invitation up his arse. Sooner or later, New Delhi will follow suit. You may as well aim a kick at a dog that is running away. 

I read on their website-

The Carter Center is establishing I-Policy (India Policy), an initiative to educate U.S. policymakers on issues related to democracy and human rights in India.

Fuck does the Carter Center know about any such things? Its only involvement with India was back in 2000 when it gave India a prize for eradicating Guinea worm disease. 

The fact is the Carter Center tried to counter the Heritage Foundation's propaganda with respect to voter registration- i.e. an issue that actually matters to Americans. But it failed miserably. Fuck will it achieve with respect to India? 

The other point is that Congressional Republicans are demanding answers for why the Carter Center takes so much dubious Chinese money. This is a tainted organization associated with a world class imbecile. 

I-Policy will host dialogues and publish original policy research to keep stakeholders informed of key developments in Indian democracy, including those that impact U.S.-India relations. 

But that's not Emory's strong point. Healthcare- sure. But International Relations? No. Atlanta is provincial. 

With a programmatic presence in Washington, D.C.,

Why not an actual presence? Partner with Georgetown if you want to be taken seriously

 I-Policy aims to be an important resource for American policymakers to ensure that India’s democracy remains robust, especially given rising challenges in the country.

Why not aim to be an important resource for American policymakers to ensure that Putin fucks the fuck out of Ukraine? Indian policymakers don't give a shit about 'American policymakers'. Carter pulled the rug from under the Shah's feet. Fucking up Iran was his big contribution to democracy in the region. This is not to say that Carter 'green lit' Saddam's invasion. But there is evidence that Carter's officials had begun the rapprochement continued under Reagan which led to the establishment of diplomatic ties. I suppose one could say that the Carter-Brzezinski tightening of the green Islamic corset on the soft Soviet under-belly did pay off- but only for the Chinese who had begun nuclear proliferation to Islamic countries in 1982. But that was after Carter had been laughed out of office. 

“At a time where global cooperation is more necessary than ever, upholding the democratic values at the root of U.S.-India ties is vital,” said the Carter Center’s CEO, Paige Alexander. 

There is no such root or fruit or anal toot-toot. To please Manmohan, America used some stupid Law- previously only used against Vietnam- to ban Modi from its shores. Then it welcomed him because being America's enemy makes you popular with Indian voters and so Modi got to be a wildly popular Prime Minister. It now looks like Yogi Adityanath can succeed him. On the other hand, AAP can outdo the BJP by mobilizing Hindus across caste lines. Indeed they can bring in Sikhs which the BJP, because of its tie up with SAD, no longer can. 

“Experts have pointed out that because India is the world’s largest democracy, backsliding there has repercussions for countries everywhere, especially the U.S.

Very true. If Modi had not become P.M, Americans would never have voted for Trump. Did you know that Biden has distant relatives in India? Kamala Harris certainly has Hindu relatives. This was the reason the Americans voted for the two of them. They hope that the US can soon catch up with India in terms of living standards. 

 I-Policy, therefore, will bring these issues to the attention of American policymakers through informed and measured research.”

carried out either by nonentities or crazy paranoid nutjobs. 

In recent years, India has seen a significant decline in global indices that measure the strength of democratic norms and practices.

So has America. OMG! Americans are turning Indian! The dot kind, not the feather kind- which is totes lame. Soon they will be eating samosa and riding elephant- innit? 

 Areas of concern include freedom of the press, judicial independence, and protection of minorities.

America couldn't do shit for any of these things even though they were physically occupying Afghanistan and Iraq. How the fuck are they supposed to achieve these things in India? By sticking pins in wax dolls? 

 Economic stagnation has compounded these problems, and U.S. companies — including technology firms — have reported difficulties navigating India’s sensitive landscape.

But will they give the Carter Center a little money for voicing their concerns? No. They're not that stupid. 

Failure to address such challenges in a timely and effective manner poses risks to economic prosperity, geopolitical stability, and the U.S.-India strategic partnership. 

That's already gone. India isn't joining in the condemnation of Russia by other Quad members. India is a land power and any conflict with China will be a land conflict. France and Israel are possible partners to reduce dependence on Russian military supplies. America is not in the picture. 

Some stupid Americans are now trying to Magnitsky some Indian officials. India will have to raise the drawbridge against this type of stupidity. But anti-Americanism is a vote winner in India. Still, Kamala Harris trying to pass herself off as Oprah is hilarious. The thing is almost as funny as Bobbie Jindal. 

I think the Indians might decide to pay back the Democrats in their own 'woke' coin. Ceaselessly denounce American racism. Call out Kamala Harris as a descendant of free people of color who bought themselves slaves. Afro-Caribbeans did not endure anything like Jim Crow. They experienced rapid social mobility if they settled in the US. 

I-Policy will provide American policymakers with necessary research and analysis on Indian democracy and human rights, with a view to strengthening bilateral ties and managing potential pitfalls.

It is incapable of doing any such thing. Do they have Prashant Kishore on a retainer? No. They have some useless cretins.

Tanmay Misra has been appointed as I-Policy’s strategy officer and will be based in Washington, D.C.

Because he would look ridiculous if he was based in Atlanta. Anyway, the young man must still retain some ambition. By remaining in D.C he might be able to slime his way to a position of real importance- like getting to represent the the third largest dog-food brand at Hill & Knowlton. 

 He brings to the role a decade of experience in the United Nations and with the Indian diaspora in the U.S. and UK. He is a graduate of Brown University (B.A.), the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (M.A.), and the London School of Economics and Political Science (Ph.D.).

The LSE has him listed as a PhD student in the Law Department. The provisional title of his thesis is ''Corruption and the "License Raj": An Alternative Inquiry'. This is a well trodden field. You'd need serious game-theoretic chops to master the literature, never mind contribute anything to it. I suppose that is why his inquiry is an 'alternative' to anything smart or useful.  

I like the way he is described as 'having a decade of experience with the Indian diaspora in the US and the UK'.  Perhaps he was a waiter at 'Curry in a Hurry'. If so, kudos to him. That's a skilled job. Sadly the guy wasn't a waiter because he was a fucking moron. He has a post on a website called 'the Vanguard' which describes itself as an online platform for young, progressive Indian diaspora. This is because young diaspora is shitty at grammar due to it is very progressively Indian innit? It has 5 posts- all equally illiterate- by 5 different Hindus. They couldn't drag in even a single Muslim. But none of them had any follow up posts. 

To give you a flavor of Mirsra's illiteracy I append this random extract

I wondered earlier about your thoughts on the name ‘Modi.’ 
Modi is a 'Bania' surname. Misra is a Brahmin surname. We know that Misra will look down on Modi but we also know that everybody thinks Mirsras are useless whereas Modis are smart and do useful stuff. 

Maybe I should have asked instead how you felt. 

This would be determined by caste and region. Still, the name 'Modi' is useful because it suggests mercantile skill and ethics. In particular, the word is connected with accurate book-keeping and treasury management. 

It's a fluffier sort of question, I know, the stuff of safe spaces and diaspora literature, but maybe you’ll forgive me. Because that feeling is a start. It is an opening. 

This guy writes the way Rahul talks. Are all UP Brahmins utterly stupid? No. Both Rahul and this guy attended fancy American colleges. It takes a lot of money to end up so utterly brain damaged. 

There is a phrase I only ever seem to come across in the context of Indian politics, and it is called “communal violence.” 

Why? Because 'communal' sounds like 'qaumi' 

I am told it is a phrase coined by colonial-era British authorities, 

No. It was coined by the Muslim League which used the term Arabic term 'qaum' for a community defined by religion.
and it sparks in me a rather peculiar sensation. Hurt and grief, yes, but something else too. If I am at my cousin’s in Lucknow and hear him justify Gujarat 2002, how do I name what I am feeling at that moment? 

Frustration. You are too stupid and ignorant to counter your cousin's argument. 

At my grandparents’ in Banaras,

Modi is elected from there.

I listen to their accounts not only of the independence movement but also of partition. Within me, I can feel some sort of veil crumble. Could I really have gone this long not knowing of the violence done in my name?

This fucker is American. Can he really not know of the millions of Muslim lives blighted by his country's 'war on terror'? 

 This feeling I grasp as shame. I might take a quick walk around the block to try to come to terms, and so unused to seeing only people who share my skin tone or hair, I ask myself upon the sight of a familiar stranger, “Could that have been me?” 

Yes, baba. It could be you. In fact, it is you! Why not fulfil your life long dream to suck your own cock? Go up to him and kneel down and get busy already.

There's always that moment. For example that time I had to find my dad outside the airport and just could not locate him among the mass. He no longer stuck out… 

I think I now understand why this dude's parents moved to the US. They knew their kid would not be able to tell the difference between them and some other Indian couple. Also he'd keep sucking off strangers in the belief that he was performing fellatio on himself. 

What if we had never moved? Like my millenial well-to-do cousins, what would I have been justifying? Because in the absence of this counterfactual, and in the presence of the reality which did unfold, it turns out others are justifying things for me.

But you are sucking them off- so it's a case of fair exchange- right? 

I don't know what kind of relationship to India’s politics you will form in the years ahead. 

But we do know what sort of relationship this cretin will form with it. It will be a sado-masochistic one albeit of an entirely imaginary kind. No doubt, the Carter Center is only hiring him out of a Christian duty to keep him off the streets of India where he would suck off all and sundry. 

I will be curious to learn of it. As for me in the meanwhile, something beckons.

It was the Carter Center which politely but firmly refused to be sucked off. It provided the cretin a job out of a mistaken sense of Christian charity. 

 It may be true that the tether is unbound and that the link to the past is unravelling. But when I look around me and see what it is we children have bound ourselves to in its stead, I wonder if the “better pay” for our parents’ brains exacted too steep of a price. Besides, no one said our hearts were for sale.

But this asshole is. 

No one, that is, except our own leaders. When President Trump had arrived in Ahmedabad in 2020 as the Delhi riots were transpiring,

those riots were staged because Trump was arriving.

 Prime Minister Modi embraced his “good friend.” 

the democratically elected President of Misra's country. 

Modi had appeared to be returning the favor. For when he came to the U.S. in 2019, the ban against him for Gujarat 2002 long lifted, it was Trump who greeted him enthusiastically at ‘Howdy, Modi!’

But Obama had expressed 'extraordinary pleasure' in welcoming Modi to the White House in 2014. He was very pally with Modi, visiting him in Delhi even after leaving the White House. 

You see, there are other tethers being woven. And in my eyes, they look boundless.

In which case they are not tethers. Still, at least this cunt doesn't think those tethers may, counterfactually, represent his own ipseity thus causing himself to suck himself off except it turned out he was sucking off some homeless dude and then his Mamaji and Kakaji strolled by and said 'Abhe ulle ke patte, kis ke lund chus rahe ho? Dekthe nahin woh Mamta Bannerjee hai?' 

Why has the Carter center appointed a guy with such an obvious bias against Modi? Who will believe a word he says? 

Who else does the Carter Center have?

 Shelby House will be I-Policy’s researcher-editor. Fluent in Hindi and Urdu, she has a background in research and communications and is a graduate of the University of Washington (M.A.) in South Asian studies and Vanderbilt University (B.A.) in political science and South Asia studies.

I think she will be kept busy by her PhD work under the supervision of JNU alumni Radhika Govindrajan who believes ' fascist politics works through the production of an ordinary subject who is “under threat” of “violation” by the “invasion” of imagined others'.  Thankfully, Misra will suck off everybody in the belief that they represent his own ipseity, not alterity. Thus fascist politics will be defeated and drained off cum. 

I-Policy will be supported by an advisory board whose members include Saman Zia-Zarifi (secretary general of the International Commission of Jurists), 

Which neither the Indians nor the Americans accept as having jurisdiction. There isn't much this guy can bring to the table much as he may want America to fuck up India the way it fucked up his native Iran. 

James Traub (columnist at Foreign Policy and senior fellow at New York University's Center on International Cooperation),

Traub wrote an article saying Indian Muslims will have no place in Modi's India. He singled out the Shiv Sena for condemnation. Now Congress is propping up a Sena administration. Traub has no credibility in India. Apparently he spent a year teaching at the Maulana Azad College in Aurangabad. He thinks Aurangazeb was a swell guy. 

and Vinod Jose (executive editor at The Caravan Magazine).

This is a guy who pretended that Indian judges kill each other for not taking bribes! The wonder is he did not suggest that Indian judges first rape and then kill their brother judges. Why was Jose so prudish as to omit this telling detail? 

This spring, I-Policy expects to launch its official website, which will showcase research and analysis of developments in Indian democracy from a diverse array of leading observers in both the U.S. and India.

How fucking deluded is the Carter Center? I suppose some Guinea worms got loose and took up habitation in their collective brains. Still, it's good to know that Carter, at the grand old age of 97, is still doing his best to fuck up American foreign policy. To make the world a safer place we need not just to defund think-tanks but also the State Department. But we can't do that. China would object. 

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