Friday 25 February 2022

Will Zelenskyy go the way of Saakashvili?

 In 2008, Saakashvili looked like a smart, brave, reformer in Georgia. But he was Christian and Georgians have a strongly Christian identity. But some Ossetians were Muslim and wars in that region have to be about Christians taking a battering because...urm... how can I put this delicately?... Christians aint gonna come to our Cities and suicide bomb us so as to get to fuck plenty of virgins in Paradise. Thus Sarkozy turned up to broker a deal between the Georgians and the Rooskies.

 Where is Saakashvili now? On hunger strike, in prison in Georgia. Previously he'd been taken up by the Ukrainians and Poroshenko had appointed him Governor of a Province but then Poroshenko kicked him out and then Zelenskyy brought him back but then Saakashvili thought he could return to Georgia in triumph and now the guy is just a laughing stock.

Poroshenko too has returned to Ukraine but may stay out of jail for the time being because he claims he is there to fight the Rooskis. Zelenskyy rose to power by making fun of crazy narcissists like Poroshenkov and Saakashvili and others more evil yet. But the guy is of Jewish heritage as is his Prime Minister. Guess who is going to get the blame when things turn pear shaped? 

Ukraine, on independence, was about 20 per cent richer than Poland. It had nukes. If it had grown as fast as Poland, it would be a regional power. Sadly, Ukraine did not free up manufacturing for f.d.i. Instead oligarchs were favored in that sector while the country pursued a chimera of wealth through finance and real estate speculation. Thus, after 2008, the country was ripe for revolution. It had fallen behind  even Belarus. Sadly, its 'Euromaidan' revolution did not improve economic policy. Unlike the Armenian Revolution, in 2018, which elevated Pashniyan who did improve the economy and reduce corruption and so forth, Zelenskyy and Proshenkov failed on the economic front. Thus, though Pashniyan got re-elected after the Azerbaijanis gave his country a beating, it is unlikely that Ukraine's clowns will be rehabilitated if it is discovered that they are shit at fighting Rooskies. They led their country down an internally divisive, economically disastrous, garden path. Poroshenko, in particular, passed a law in 2019 making Ukrainian mandatory for all public sector workers- a stupid piece of chauvinistic populism- in a country where 30 percent speak Russian while only 53 percent say they speak Ukrainian at home- thus making a widening of the conflict inevitable. Zelenskyy, a Russian speaker, was supposed to roll back this law. He doubled down on it. The consequence are now visible in bombed out buildings in the capital itself. 

Biden, of course, is known for his hatred of Putin and his son's entanglement with Ukrainian craziness. Putin's reckless action gives Biden a unique historical opportunity to undermine American 'exorbitant privilege' by fucking up SWIFT. Sadly, BoJo is taking the lead on this. That is a clear signal it is the stupidest possible thing to do. Meanwhile, the comedy of Christian Europe fucking up all down the line runs and runs. 

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