Saturday, 7 December 2024

Tolkein's cellar & Baire's suicide

If this my Solitude's annealing cell- whose ceiling is e'er lower than its floor-
By as much as Xanadu's crystal dome falls below Tolkein's cellar door
Is, of this worthless verse, the wine-press, 'tis only in the sense
That Matter is but the Sorrow of being nowhere dense.

Peace hath a Prince! Tho' not Time can be a Place nor Space, sober or  Baire.
E'en if Second Categoricity complete its own Turing shroud of despair
Or Agoraphobia's pharmakos could its own Ecclesia abide
Kenosis' annulus kernel is Thought as Naught- or Magi Suicide.

Greece had a Grinch! Archytas' mechanics contaminated Mereology
Yet, thanks to Moh Tzu, Takeaway Chinese is our Apology
For not eating Turkey e'en if it really is Christ's Birthday
Though, in the process, all Eucharist is taken away.

Iyer, your meretricious Potocki Hot Air aint Moksha's Polish Space
Only a LeÅ›niewski, breaking code, saves Prosopoi's face. 

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