Friday 5 July 2024

Pranay Sanklecha's Psilosophical narcissism.

Pranay Sanklecha, has given up a promising career as a tenured professor of philosophy. He explains why in Aeon- 

 I decided that my new research project would be on the meaning of life.

 There was a Monty Python film of that name. It turns out that meaning is nothing very special really- 'Just 'try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.' Sadly, that's not the meaning of life which is simply trying not to fucking die or, if you can't manage that, at least try to ensure your species doesn't go extinct any time soon. 

I worked in a tradition of philosophy that people still call ‘analytic’.

Frege and Russell started to develop a type of mathematical logic which became independent of philosophy in the Thirties with Godel, Turing, Tarski, Gentzen, Brouwer etc.  That tradition is going strong. The late Voevodksy's 'univalent foundations' was particularly promising for computer proof checking. Some years ago, a computer found the flaw in Godel's argument for the existence of God. The 'reverse mathematics project' is similarly promising. It has shown how a 'divine axiom' could show the consistency of mathematics. In other words, a direct descendant of Russell and Frege's project is proving very useful. Moreover, several open problems in Math and Physics are 'philosophical'. It's just that academic philosophers are no longer smart enough to work on them. Thus what they do work on is less and less meaningful because it is not contributing to scientific or technological or economic progress. It has been superseded. However, there will always be specialists in arcane fields of research who turn back to the classics of philosophy as they grapple with 'open problems' of a foundational sort. One might say that philosophy is a 'displacement activity'- i.e. something very smart people do when they get stuck or when they are seeking a new 'paradigm' to unite disparate fields on the basis of greater generality. 

The basic idea of analytic philosophy when it was first propagated was simple.

Logicism was simple and did result in much improved logical calculi.  

At its core, it consisted of G E Moore’s favourite question. Someone would say something like: ‘Being is indivisible’, and Moore would ask, ‘But what on earth does that mean?’

Around this time, Russell was discovering that there has to be 'restricted comprehension' otherwise you get paradoxes. 'Being is indivisble' would have been interpreted at that time as meaning ' all things are composed of indivisible atoms'. Then it was discovered that atoms are very complicated indeed. You can 'split' them. There are fundamental particles. Sadly there seem to be lots and lots of them.  

To put this in more theoretical terms, the big idea behind analytic philosophy was to replace metaphysics with linguistic analysis.

It was to give well defined 'extensions' to 'intensions'- i.e. each word to correspond to a well defined set of objects.  

Advocates of this ‘linguistic turn’

which replaced ideal 'intensions' with context based 'extensions'. The problem with 'intensions' is that they change as the knowledge base changes. They are 'dialectical'. Analysis wants to operate on things which don't change as they are being studied or used. But this turned out to be a tall order. Sure, we can give arbitrary 'extensions' to intensions. But 'naturality'- i.e. non-arbitrariness- turns out to be far to seek. William Lawvere, by the beginning of the Seventies, was trying to show that you could have a category theoretical, mathematical, way of representing the Hegelian dialectic. But other great mathematicians- Godel, Grothendieck- were also finding God at the very foundations of mathematics. At this point, the Philosophers backed away from mathematical logic though some kept up the pretense of rigor or, if they were French, pretended they understood what a 'manifold' actually is.  

believed, in Richard Rorty’s words, that ‘philosophical problems are problems which may be solved (or dissolved) either by reforming language, or by understanding more about the language we presently use.’

It is true that a lot of paradoxes are merely semantic. It is an open question whether 'intensional paradoxes' persist even after good enough 'univalent foundations' are discovered.  

The way to make progress on the question of God’s existence was not to find more arguments for and against Her existence.

If praying to God gives you the ability to perform miracles, what further argument do you need?  

Rather, one made progress by investigating what it meant to say ‘God exists’.

One can certainly investigate alleged miracles.  

Today, it’s hard to fully inhabit the excitement felt by the pioneers of analytic philosophy

Why? There are people working on AI and Quantum computing etc. who are plenty excited. Russell and some of his chums thought they were on the verge of discovering rules which would transform society into an egalitarian, pacifist, utopia. We may no longer share that social vision but do have great faith in technological progress. Nobody thinks that what the scientists are up to is meaningless though other scientists may cast doubt on the viability of particular research programs.  

and their immediate descendants,

there was a mystical aspect to mathematical logic. Brouwer's intuitionism is an example. It is said that a lecture by Brouwer motivated Wittlesstein's return to philosophy. Much of his charisma had to do with the religious passion he brought to his stupid ranting.  

but it’s impossible to doubt that there was considerable excitement at the time. Michael Dummett,

a good Christian who took the trouble to study mathematics 

a Wykeham Professor of Logic at the University of Oxford, and not therefore a man given to emotional pronouncements, claimed that:

'Only with Frege [ie analytic philosophy] was the proper object of philosophy finally established: namely,

mathematical logic 

first, that the goal of philosophy is the analysis of the structure of thought;

structures are mathematical 

secondly, that the study of thought is to be sharply distinguished from the study of the psychological process of thinking;

because mathematics does not supervene on psychology. It is independent of it.  

and, finally, that the only proper method for analysing thought consists in the analysis of language.

Sadly, natural language is really complicated. To give it a mathematical model required first order and second order and third order languages. Who knows if this will ever 'bottom out'?  

While it remains usual to speak of analytic philosophy, nobody nowadays can say what it really means

That's okay. It is a 'rigid' enough designator.  

Bliss it must have been in that dawn to be alive! But the French Revolution went from equality to tyranny, and in time, it turned out that Dummett had been too optimistic about analytic philosophy.

He had also been too optimistic about voting theory and the possibility of democratic social progress. Still a good man and devout Christian who took the trouble to study math rather than just recycle his lecture notes.  

The programme was revised and ultimately abandoned.

Sadly, it is still taught.  

But the term ‘analytic philosophy’ has outlasted the historical movements of analytic philosophy. While it remains usual to speak of analytic philosophy and analytic philosophers, nobody nowadays can say what it really means.

Stupidity degenerating into Grievance Studies or wokeness. You start of by saying 'everybody agrees that gender reassignment surgery must be made compulsory for heterosexual males but how can this be funded in an environmentally sustainable manner such that we make progress towards achieving other important goals regarding Diversity, Inclusivity, Equity and saying 'have a nice day' to people whose dicks you are chopping off?'  

Some people associate it with clarity, which is hilarious if you actually read analytic philosophy. Here, for instance, is Robert Nozick in Philosophical Explanations (1981):

Nozick was putting forward a view of personal identity.  

We have said that W is a whole relative to parts p1, … , pn when the closest continuer of W need not be the sum of the closest continuers of the parts pi,

you are still you if someone cuts your legs off 

when (a) it is possible that the closest continuer of W exists yet does not contain as a part some existing closest continuer of one of the pi’s; or (b) it is possible that the closest continuer of W exists and contains some part q that is not a closest continuer of any of the pi (nor a sum or other odd carving up of these); or (c) it is possible that at some later time no continuer of W is close enough to be it, even though each of the pi then has a continuer close enough to be it – the parts exist at the later time but the whole does not.

If a clone with your exact memories replaces you, has 'personal identity' been preserved? What about brain transplants? Consider Neo in 'Matrix'. Does he really have a 'personal identity'? 

I suppose, one way to answer such questions is to say that 'personal identity' is just a solution to a coordination game. It can change if it is useful to do so. We may agree that the new Dalai Lama is the reincarnation of the previous one if that is useful for our Society.  

That sentence has many properties. I’m not sure clarity is one of them.

It is clear enough. But is it useful? I suppose some of Nozick's students became corporate lawyers and had to draft contracts with even more rigorous 'boiler plate'.  

Others say it has something to do with ‘rigour’. This may be closer to the truth, but only if you take it as something to do with rigor mortis.

No. It is possible that a physicist might find something in the passage which permits him to reconfigure his theory of elementary particles so that some important technological innovation can be made.  

Consider Susan Wolf writing on meaning in life. She has just expressed the idea that the ‘best sort of life is one that is involved in, or contributes to something “larger than oneself”.’

Why not contribute to something smaller than oneself- like a baby?  

But as soon as Wolf has said this, she realises she has not been rigorous, that the thought has not been properly explained. She immediately tells us that: ‘[c]ontemplation of the case of Sisyphus should, however, be enough to show that this “larger” must be understood metaphorically. We may, after all, imagine the rock Sisyphus is endlessly pushing uphill to be very large.’

Sisyphus is not contributing to the rock. Wolf is being silly. The fact is a person condemned to do a pointless task may still inspire others by the strength of character they show.  

I think we can all agree that this is very rigorous. The thought has been pursued until there is no more thought possible.

No. The thought is silly and easily refuted. 

The lemon has been squeezed dry. Sisyphus could have been pushing a very large rock up that hill. The largeness of rocks, we now see, is not the type of largeness that Wolf had in mind. It is a different type of largeness. One might almost venture to call it… metaphorical.

Metaphors can inspire us. The Fabians were inspired by the industry of the beaver. It would take a long time and a lot of hard work to build up Socialism, starting at the municipal or parish level, in Britain.  

Another way people have tried picking out analytic philosophy is to base it on a geo-linguistic criterion and call it Anglophone philosophy. But this is very unfair to the poor German professors churning out pages of turgid prose in what Bernard Williams called the ‘style [that] tries to remove in advance every conceivable misunderstanding or misinterpretation or objection, including those that would occur only to the malicious or the clinically literal-minded.’

Lawyers do this all the time. But mathematicians have to be even more scrupulous.  

No, nowadays – and ironically for a tradition that prides itself on ruthless thought and hard-edged precision – analytic philosophy is basically just a vibe. And as with all vibes, it’s clear who belongs and who doesn’t. As someone working in the analytic tradition, I knew exactly what ‘the literature’ was and what kind of stuff I should be reading for my research.

The problem is that smart people aren't writing that shite. It would be easy enough to update Rawls by applying 'incomplete contract theory' but why bother? Economists capable of that sort of analysis can get paid big bucks by Jeff Bezos. Indeed, they could become billionaires and endow Universities rather than pray for tenure and a bigger office and better quality graduate students.  

Despite ‘the meaning of life’ being the topic that non-philosophers think philosophers work on, it’s actually been a very marginal topic in analytic philosophy.

Life is about surviving. Meaningful work is work which increases the chances of survival of our species. But doing boring stuff too may be helpful. There's no reason why analytical philosophers should not update the work of their predecessors in line with breakthroughs in other disciplines. Sadly, the profession became adversely selective and you now have cretins teaching drooling imbeciles. No logical arguments are made. There is just ipse dixit posturing of a woke type. Jason Stanley says everybody is a Fascist. Amia Srinivasan is slowly working her way to the discovery that dicks cause rape. Dicks should be banned.  

Sure, interest in the issue was never fully extinguished, and every so often an older philosopher – it was almost always an older philosopher, who had a secure professional position and reputation and could therefore afford to write about the meaning of life – would write a little paper about it. But for pretty much all of the past century, it was not the sort of thing that anyone worked on before getting tenure.

If only shite is published in a particular field, the people in that field will be obliged to pretend to read that shite.  

However, lately there has been something of a revival of interest in the topic in analytic philosophy. Over the past 15 to 20 years, more and more papers and books have been published.

Anyone can write a self-help book. Philosophers are victims of horrendous epistemic self-abuse. There are people who may want to read accounts of such 'survivors'. When I was a kid, Pirsig's 'Zen and the art of motor cycle maintenance' was a best seller.  Apparently, he had studied philosophy at Benaras Hindu University. Bhagwan Rajneesh started off as a philosophy lecturer in India. Pranay appears to be of Indian descent. He may make a lot of money setting up as a Guru. 

The work has begun to coalesce into something approaching a recognisable sub-field of the discipline. One of the foundations of the analytic work is a distinction between the meaning of life and meaning in life.

It is a distinction without a difference. Why not speak of the various lives of Meaning and the different kitty cats which have made their homes in it?  

Questions about the meaning of life refer to the question of whether human life as such has a meaning,

some human lives have a lot of meaning to other human beings. Mine, not so much.  

or whether the universe does.

It means a lot to cosmologists.  

It’s a holistic kind of question.

It may be if you subscribe to holism. Otherwise, it can be a highly specific question which can be answered by a crucial experiment.  

Meaning in life, on the other hand, refers to the ‘individualistic’ question of how and where and whether individuals can find meaning in their own lives.

Some can. Maybe some can't. Perhaps psychiatry can help them. That is certainly worth researching. It may be that some people find much consolation in Philosophy. Nothing wrong with supplying that if your talents that way lie. 

The consensus view is that the two questions are fundamentally distinct and theoretically separate

unless they aren't 

– you can have a meaningful life in a meaningless universe, and vice versa.

and meaning can have lots of different lives and pervade various universes.  

How robust this separation is I’m not entirely sure, but that doesn’t matter for our current purposes.

Unless it does. We'd feel pretty silly if it turns out that God created the Universe with the purpose of bringing us all to the Angel Moroni.  

The point for now is that on this distinction, we can say that my crisis of meaning and my research project were both about meaning in life – the very thing that analytic philosophers wrote and talked about.

Sadly, you'd have to be Saharon Shelah level smart to contribute to model theory.  

There’s a Sherlock Holmes story in which the plot turns on a dog that doesn’t bark when it should have.

which meant that the murderer was the dog's owner. It is obvious that if there is a guard dog and the dog was not heard to bark then there could not have been an intruder.  

And as I read more and more analytic philosophy on meaning in life, I kept stumbling into this non-barking dog.

Why didn't analytic philosophers simply say that they were writing nonsense? Why do people paid to do a particular job pretend they are actually doing that job and it isn't useless or stupid? 

I spent a long time reading, taking notes, straining to figure out what I was struggling with. The more I tried, the less I understood.

It is easy enough to controvert any piece of analytical philosophy sentence by sentence. Why not do so?  

Eventually, I realised that there was no there there.

Why tear down obvious nonsense?  

I had been trying to understand an absence. In the analytic literature on meaning in life, there is remarkably little sustained engagement with nihilist or sceptical worries about value.

Because philosophy has become ipse dixit arbitrary stipulation of an absurd kind. Essentially, the analytical philosopher says things like 'why is it that though we all agree dicks are evil, nevertheless Mummies don't bite of their infant son's dicks?' The answer, obviously, is 'Everything is the fault of Neo-Liberalism.'  

The basic version of this worry is very simple: it’s the worry that nothing is valuable.

Nothing is intrinsically valuable. But you can't stop anybody putting any value on any particular thing. Some women get very angry if I touch their bum even though they are constantly touching their own bum. I think this is because I iz bleck.  

You’d think that this was quite an important worry to consider when thinking about the meaning of life – nihilism is very much a thing. It’s not that you had to endorse nihilism, but you at least had to engage seriously with the reasons people have for being nihilists. Analytic philosophers dealt with this worry by assuming it away.

Which is reasonable given that courts and financial markets are constantly putting values to various things.  

For instance, Wolf, the doyenne of the field, proposes the theory that ‘meaningfulness consists in active engagement in projects or activities of worth’.

We say 'I understand the meaning of such and such person's action', when we establish a motive and a modus operandi.  Sometimes, we recognize that a particular action had no motive. It was meaningless. 

She recognises the threat of nihilism and accepts that her theory ‘would be utterly destroyed if it turned out there were no such things as projects or activities of worth at all’.

In particular, if it turned out that only stupid people do philosophy.  

Her response is to call it ‘an article of faith’ that there is a distinction between worthwhile and worthless projects. And like all articles of faith, that only speaks to someone who already believes.

Or wants to.  

This view assumes that meaning in life is a realisable and sometimes actually realised property of an individual life

A perfectly reasonable assumption.  

Here is another example. Aaron Smuts argues in Welfare, Meaning, and Worth (2017) that: ‘one’s life is meaningful to the extent that it promotes the good’. He sees, naturally, that nihilists might have problems with this account but he dismisses this issue right away: ‘I will merely note that I see no compelling reasons to take nihilism seriously … Nothing more can be said in favour of objective value here. I acknowledge that the good cause account is off the table for nihilists. So be it.’

Stupid people can't promote shit. Still, if they don't read other's shite, who will? 

These examples are suggestive, nothing more. But there is an explanation behind them that is important. The neglect of sceptical and nihilist worries about meaning in life is no accident. Rather, it is a necessary expression of the debate as it is framed and conducted.

Not really. Skepticism was easily assimilated by Plato's academy. Mahayana Buddhism may be considered 'nihilistic' but it spread far and wide. Modern epistemology has benefitted greatly from methodological skepticism or even nihilism when it comes to the ontological undergirding of reality.  

Philosophers working on meaning in life love cases. They identify paradigmatic examples of meaningful lives, and then use them to draw conclusions about the necessary and sufficient conditions for living a meaningful life.

The fact that someone else may have led a meaningful life, does not mean yours would be meaningful if you imitated them. This is one reason the people of Paris rejected me when I dressed up like Joan of Arc.  

Thaddeus Metz is explicit about this at the beginning of his book Meaning in Life (2013): ‘I, like most in the field, take specific exemplary instances of great meaning to have been realised by the likes of Mandela,

who was battling something real 

Mother Teresa,

who was an obedient daughter of an actual Church 

Einstein, Darwin,

both were genuinely smart 

Picasso, and Dostoyevsky.’

both had great artistic talent.  

Wolf, too, speaks of ‘Gandhi, perhaps, or Mother Theresa, or Einstein, or Cézanne’ as ‘paradigms of meaningful lives’, and uses these cases to make arguments and claims about meaning in life.

When it comes to politics, things may not be so clear cut. Was Gandhi's life meaningful? It was certainly 'consequential'. But were the consequences good or bad?  

This method of using paradigmatic cases is closely linked to one of the foundational assumptions of the analytic project. Wolf states the assumption clearly when she describes what she accurately calls the ‘standard view’ about meaning in life.

This is the 'ipse dixit' method which has destroyed philosophy. You have to pretend that the 'standard view' is some 'Preference Falsification' based Virtue Signaling shite.  

As she puts it, the standard view holds ‘that meaningfulness is an intelligible feature to be sought in a life, and that it is at least sometimes attainable but not everywhere assured.’

The standard view is that this is just hot air which poorly paid pedants have to pretend to believe in.  

The view assumes, in other words, that meaning in life is a realisable and sometimes actually realised property of an individual life.

It is a predicate not a property. Suppose I am the first to die of some horrible new disease and it is named after me. Some researcher, a century from now, in finding the cure to this disease also discovers a way to make us virtually immortal. In death, my life would have become very meaningful even though my entire existence has been wholly worthless.  

We can see why the method and the assumption go together. When you use paradigmatic cases of meaningful lives to think about meaning, you’ve made a commitment to the claim that people can and sometimes do live meaningful lives.

No you haven't. However, anybody can claim you have committed to sucking them off. Kicking them in the balls may curb this nuisance.  

From this perspective, the method generates the assumption.

Saying so doesn't make it so.  

And if we look at it from the other angle, the use of the method is an expression of the assumption, and an explanation of why the former is so widely accepted.

Is it accepted? No. Few people bother with this stupid and useless subject. Nobody gives a fart what these nutters accept or reject.  

If you assume that meaning in life is something that is sometimes actually realised in individual lives, it makes perfect sense to try to find examples of those lives in which it is realised so that you can then start identifying some general features of meaningful lives.

Why not just make them up? Superman doesn't really exist though I spent a lot of time putting on my Y fronts over my trousers. That's one reason my wife divorced me.  

The problem is that the method and the assumption are deeply flawed. To see why, consider Leo Tolstoy’s own crisis of meaning:

he was mentally ill. There are pills now available which may have helped him.  

'In the middle of my concern with the household, which at the time kept me quite busy, a question would suddenly come into my head: ‘Very well, you will have 6,000 desyatins [unit of land] in the Samara province, as well as 300 horses; what then?’ And I was completely taken aback and didn’t know what to think. As soon as I started to think about the education of my children, I would ask myself, ‘Why?’ Or I would reflect on how the people might attain prosperity, and I would suddenly ask myself, ‘What concern is it of mine?’ Or in the middle of thinking about the fame that my works were bringing me I would say to myself, ‘Very well, you will be more famous than Goethe, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Molière, more famous than all the writers in the world – so what?’ And I could find absolutely no reply.'

Many Russians were deeply religious. That wasn't always a good thing.  

Let us now imagine that a well-meaning friend of Tolstoy’s introduces him to the present-day literature on meaning in life. The literature would tell him: ‘Leo, it’s alright. We got you. Your life, you see, is a paradigmatically meaningful life. So, first of all, don’t worry that it’s meaningless. It’s actually the very model of a meaningful life. And then, if you want to know some more, well, from your life, and from other paradigmatic cases of meaningful lives, we can tell you (at some level of abstraction) what is required to live a meaningful life.’

No. The friend would say 'ask your GP for Zoloft'. Also, get a Netflix subscription and binge watch 'Friends'. 

Tolstoy is hardly going to find any of this of much use. His problem is precisely that he thinks his life is meaningless, so a theory of meaning that is built on the assumption that his life is meaningful is at best a joke to him.

Actually, Tolstoy was a pretty bright guy. Talking to him about serotonin might have got him interested in neuroscience. 

I speak of Tolstoy, but I am speaking of myself too.

Tolstoy was a great writer. Perhaps Pranay will write the 'War and Peace' of our generation.  

I had turned to analytic philosophy with a hope born of desperation. I longed for something that would help me with my crisis, something that would relieve the pain. I found nothing. The assumption that allowed the analytic philosopher to proceed was the exact locus of my crises.

So, Pranay took the wrong course at Uni. Still, he did well in it and was on track for tenure. Perhaps he will turn to literature or set up an Ashram or retrain as a Corporate Lawyer. 

Does anything really matter? That’s what Tolstoy and I both want to know.

Because that's what matters to them. Tolstoy wrote some remarkable stories precisely because he was mentally ill. 

And analytic philosophers don’t just refuse to answer this question – they couldn’t even ask it, because their project only got started on the assumption that things did matter. What use was this to us?

You are welcome to 'bracket' the question and proceed to see what happens if you assume things matter. Sadly, if stupid and useless people are doing it, the outcome will be garbage. Smart people will desert the enterprise.  

This is a problem for the analytic debate.

Only stupid people are doing it.  

Philosophers working in this tradition of questions of life’s meaning explicitly aim to address existential questions about life’s meaning, and to be capturing and addressing the human experience of searching for meaning. So even purely on their terms, the fact that they assume away sceptical and nihilist concerns and experiences is a problem.

The problem is that they are stupid. Sadly, so are poets and socioproctologists and poets who are socioproctologists.  

The analytic debate takes something of existential concern

getting paid 

– a question that was for many people literally a matter of life and death – and managed to be blind to much of their experience.

which is what happens when you get paid to do a boring job.  

It takes one of the most profound questions that human beings

stupid people can ask questions same as smart people 

can ask and has turned it into a discussion of the private prejudices and contingent beliefs (also called ‘intuitions’) of a bunch of people who have been similarly socialised.

Stupid people. That is the problem. Sooner or later they will start pretending that they are playing a vital role in keeping at bay Nazi Vampires from Outer Space. Also, Neo-liberalism is very evil. 

And in doing these things, it’s not exceptional.

It is right and proper that some stupid people get to teach stupid shit to other stupid people. Not everybody can be smart you know. I suppose Pranay was promoted in the name of 'Diversity'.  

It’s actually a symptom and an illustration of something much bigger and more important than a bunch of academics getting something wrong in one local debate.

What is bigger and more important is that China may overtake us in STEM subjects.  

Consider the temples of ancient Greece. Once they were thick with blood and smoke. They were places where living creatures were sacrificed, where novices were initiated by frightening esoteric rituals, where strange chants mingled with cries of pain and ecstasy. Today, they are tourist attractions.

The Greeks converted to Christianity. But then Hellenized Hebrews had helped create Christianity.  

The discipline of academic philosophy is like those Greek temples.

No. The disciple of Classical philosophy is like that. Greek civilization will always attract interest and smart philologists- not shitheads like Martha Nussbaum- will always be respected. Analytical Philosophy, on the other hand, failed almost immediately. Russell and Whitehead stopped being productive in mathematics. Brouwer didn't. By the time Russell met Godel, he was too far removed from the subject to be able to understand the younger man.  

Its practitioners are caretakers wandering around empty rooms, painting the walls, and washing the floor while the entire edifice collapses around them.

Caretakers are useful. Academic philosophers appear wholly useless.  

There are many signs of declining vitality at the general level. Daily Nous, a popular professional philosophy blog, has a category called ‘Cuts and Threats to Philosophy Programs’, which is instructive in itself – it wouldn’t have been necessary in 1960.

Because University enrollment was rising and Philosophy is cheap to teach. More and more professions- even Accountancy!- wanted to hire only graduates so as to raise their prestige and so even the most useless Departments could burgeon. Still, it should be remembered, some smart people did gravitate to philosophy back then. Hilary Putnam and David Lewis may have become morons but they didn't start that way.  

The entries in this category testify that philosophy programmes across the United Kingdom and the United States are regularly threatened with closure. Increasing numbers are being cut, and I am willing to bet a tenured professor’s annual salary that there are significantly more cuts coming.

It was a mistake to think that granting more and more degrees would raise productivity.  

The cutting of programmes is a natural reflection of the fact that people don’t want to study philosophy. Philosophy degrees in the US are either modestly up or stable relative to 2017, but significantly down relative to 2010. If you extend the period out to roughly the past 20 years, then philosophy majors as a percentage of bachelor’s degrees have stayed roughly stable – but only because it was already low, between 0.4-0.6 per cent. These are important pieces of evidence, but they are secondary. They are symptoms and manifestations of something much more important, namely an internal decline and an inner death.

Because of adverse selectivity. One way out is to go for Grievance Studies and 'diversity'. Instead of philosophers babbling nonsense, why not recruit genuine lunatics from the homeless population? 

Look at the words that professional philosophers produce. Look, for however long you can bear, into the pages of arcane journals filled with intricate disputes about how many trolleys can dance on the head of a pin.

'The Good place' got a lot of viewers though it featured a lot of that type of philosophy.  

Peek into classrooms that are filled with the atmosphere of boredom and futility. Speak to young philosophers, young practitioners of the discipline, the ones who should be filled with love and excitement for philosophy and see instead their disappointment and their cynicism.

Fair point. On the other hand, one might say that much of 'Paideia' is about lowering expectations and replacing 'magical thinking' with a willingness to put up with a boring, routine, job in return for participating in an economy where some very smart people can make useful discoveries. 

I was once one of those young philosophers. I came to philosophy as so many other young people, as so many of my contemporaries, as so many of my students over the years came to it. We were driven by deep and authentic need, by the needs that human beings have always had – the need to make sense of our lives, the need to be consoled for our suffering, the need to be awed by things greater than ourselves, the need to experience the true, the good, and the beautiful.

Philosophers are welcome to introduce their students to ideas and techniques from different disciplines. Love of knowledge should extend to love of all that is worth knowing. But the love of something is not itself that thing. Epistemology isn't itself Knowledge. Ontology has no being of its own. Ethics is generally only studied by people who have no fucking ethics. Pretending otherwise is silly.  

We yearned for wisdom, for glimpses of ideas and people that allowed us to believe that there was something very fine in human beings and that we might legitimately strive to live in ways that cultivated and expressed it.

So, Pranay has a bone to pick with the guys who set the curriculum. But, they faced their own constraints. Thus, if they had hired boring shitheads, then they had to get those boring shitheads to teach boring shite.  

That is what we yearned for. What we found was something rather different. Geoff Dyer put it well in Out of Sheer Rage (1997):

'Walk around a university campus and there is an almost palpable smell of death about the place because hundreds of academics are busy killing everything they touch.

Smart peeps don't want to hang around campuses because young people are horrible.  

I recently met an academic who said that he taught German literature. I was aghast: to think, this man who had been in universities all his life was teaching Rilke.

Nothing wrong with that. A guy with a deep knowledge of German cultural history could find lots of very interesting things to say about him.  

Rilke! Oh, it was too much to bear. You don’t teach Rilke, I wanted to say, you kill Rilke!

The guy is dead. Get over it.  

You turn him to dust and then you go off to conferences where dozens of other academic-morticians gather with the express intention of killing Rilke and turning him to dust.

Dyer wants to kill off something- that's true enough. But why get so angry over some harmless dude who teaches Rilke and probably buys cheap reproductions of Greco's angels and is hoping to marry a nice Ukrainian girl- except it turns out the girl is actually a dude?  

Then, as part of the cover-up, the conference papers are published, the dust is embalmed and before you know it literature is a vast graveyard of dust, a dustyard of graves.

No. Literature is stuff produced by guys like Rilke not those who teach German for a living.  

I recognise that anger. It still makes me angry now, to think of the depth and the beauty and the pain of the human need, and of how it is met by dusty professors playing their little games.

Very true. Pranay had escaped from the Bengal famine but his Professors didn't give him some nice samosas to eat. Also, they made him read books.  Fuck you, Professors! Fuck you very much indeed!

But anger is not an easy place to live from; nor is it the most fertile. Over time, the anger receded, and it was replaced by something that felt like a moral challenge. If academic philosophy really was so awful (and it was), then shouldn’t I try to offer an alternative?

You'd have to get up to speed on open problems in Math. That stuff makes your brain hurt.  

Philosophy was once alive too, almost terrifyingly so.

No. It had to compete for fees from wealthy young men who might prefer instruction in the law or in martial arts or estate management.  

Why else would a man called Socrates choose to cheerfully go to his death rather than betray it?

He saw himself as a scapegoat whose sacrifice would be helpful to his beloved City. The truth was he made a hash of his legal defense.  

Can we make it alive again by going back to a vision of how the Greeks did philosophy?

Our Math is better. Just focus on open problems in it.  

No. Philosophy was alive for the ancients because it was the form – which they needed to invent – that authentically expressed some very deep and constant human needs.

No. The Athenians lived in a polity where being able to convince others through reasoned argument was a very valuable skill to have. Cicero certainly profited by his study of Greek philosophy. Philosophy lost prestige when military skill determined who got to be Emperor. Religion however could exert a countervailing power- at least in Western Europe.  

The way to reanimate philosophy, to fill it again with life and vitality and urgency, is not to copy an old form.

It may be. But what works best is telling lies. Pretend that philosophy can make your dick bigger and also solve the Climate crisis. At any rate, that's what Socioproctology can do.  

For philosophy to become a living thing, for a form to be invented that speaks to human beings today, it

must make my dick bigger 

needs to go back to the needs that the form once contained and satisfyingly expressed.

In the 'Lysis', Socrates shows that training in philosophy will enable you to seduce young boys from good families.  

How? I have no suggestions about which I am certain.

You can make a living attacking philosophy. Also, it would be helpful if you pointed out that your dick has gotten much bigger since you quit teaching that shite.  

I am suspicious of any grand programme here because the whole thing about a live form – about life itself, possibly – is that its growth must be – to a large extent – unplanned, it must evolve organically, it must grow and change as a response to the needs and the context in which it first comes into being at all.

Pranay's parents were wrong to send him to human school. He should have been allowed to grow up into a goat- if that is what he needed to be. 

Instead of programmes or manifestos, then, let me offer two basic principles that have guided my own experiments. 

Principle 1: If we are trying to create (or rediscover) a philosophy that is a vital response to authentic human need, then let us go wherever the human need is.

There is no human need for philosophy. Simon the shoemaker should have stuck to his last. Socrates should have spent less time hanging out with the likes of Alcibiades.  

Let us go back to the world, to the modern equivalents of the Greek agora,

India has plenty of bazaars where Pranay is welcome to lecture 

let us do philosophy in places and with people where we are not protected – and mummified – by the sophisticated conventions and intricate rules of the institution of academic philosophy.

Why do a job in return for a wage? Why not wander the world making a nuisance of yourself? Brain surgeons shouldn't operate in hospitals. They should lurk in the shadows of back alleys waylaying people and giving them nice cranial lobotomies.  

Principle 2: If we are trying to create (or rediscover) a form of philosophy and an activity of philosophising that is alive, then we need to be alive ourselves

which is why it is important to keep checking the obits just to be sure you haven't died.  

and our life needs to be in the form. This does not mean confessional or autobiographical philosophy (though it can be that too, if it wants). It means rather… actually, no. You need to decide what it means.

Only if you have nothing better to do.  

I’ve put my money where my mouth is. I left academia in the summer of 2022. Since then, I do philosophy in the world. I do it with people and for people who really are grappling with philosophical questions – not as theoretical puzzles, but as things that matter in their lives. In this activity, I have glimpses of philosophical activity that is alive, and these glimpses are sufficient for a lifetime.

Philosophical questions cash out as 'open questions' in STEM subjects. If Pranay can help Terence Tao prove the Reimann hypothesis, then he is doing philosophy in the world. Otherwise, he is indulging in a narcissistic day-dream. I suppose it is part of Aeon's racist project to depict darkies like Pranay as utter cretins. 

Perhaps Pranay will return to the Jainism of his ancestors. He may pluck out his hair by the roots and take 'diskha' as a monk. Plenty of such people do a lot of good in the world while rigorously expounding Jain epistemology (which is supposed to have inspired Pyrrho and the skeptics) and their very interesting 'dhravya' dynamic conception of ontology. One word of warning- Jain soteriology is for alpha type high achievers who want to work out their salvation on their own. Grace can't be transferred from the Guru or Acharya. That's why I have to stick to Hinduism where even utterly useless people can be saved without any effort on their own part. 

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Agnes Callard destroying the Humanities

Agnes Callard writes in the NYT that she teaches the Humanities but does not know what they are. This seems strange. The Humanities are 'those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture or with analytic and critical methods of inquiry derived from an appreciation of human values and of the unique ability of the human spirit to express itself.' Thus the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle would certainly qualify. Presumably, that is what she teaches.

If a group of math students fails to learn the material, that might be because the teacher is not trying hard enough or because she has been inappropriately tasked with, for example, teaching calculus to toddlers. Supposing, however, that neither of these things is true — the teacher is passionately invested in teaching, and she has many suitable students — yet her students all fail the final exam, eventually we would be forced to say that she might not know math so well.

Alternatively, the exam may have been too hard or defective in some other manner. Furthermore, the teacher may know the wrong sort of math. In either case, corrective action is required unless the aim of the exam is to to only pick out those with rare talent.  

I believe that we humanists are in the position of this math teacher.

Any teacher could be in this position. Consider a driving instructor all of whose students fail. It may turn out that the teaching was given in England, where people drive on the left, but the exam was held on the Continent, where they drive on the right. Clearly, some correction should be made. People who are going to take a driving test on the Continent may need to be taught to drive there by local driving instructors. 

Are 'humanists' in America really in this sort of position? Perhaps. They have been trained to teach Plato and Aristotle. The Examiner asks questions about Rihanna and Taylor Swift. Students fail. They complain vociferously. In this case, the sensible thing would be to sack the Examiner. Humanists should be tested on the material they have been taught.  

We have been issuing a steady stream of defenses of the humanities for many decades now, but the crisis of the humanities only grows.

No. The thing was always useless. We may speak of continuous lysis rather than any particular moment of crisis. 

In the face of declining student interest and mounting political scrutiny, universities and colleges are increasingly putting humanities departments on the chopping block.

When were they not doing so? The plain fact is, the 'Humanities' only gained traction after they were bundled with Law, Medicine & Theology- the only three learned professions at one time. As the Natural and Social Sciences developed, the percentage of students devoting themselves exclusively to the Humanities was bound to fall. True, at one time, the ability to quote Sophocles, or adapt a line in Virgil to make it topical, could win the approval of fellow legislators or learned judges or other such important people who shared a particular elite paideia. But the rising tide of Democracy put paid to such folderol. 

We humanists keep on trying to teach people what the value of the humanities is,

That value is not very great. There is little point teaching your students that they will gain little benefit from the particular course of studies you are guiding them through. Why dwell on your own futility? The better course is to just concentrate on teaching your subject well rather than telling lies about how valuable it might be to complete the course. 

After all, even if we learn something useless, we may still benefit by having learned how to learn boring shite. There are many jobs which pay quite well which involve diligent application to matters which are duller than ditchwater. 

and people keep failing to learn our lessons.

Perhaps the subject is adversely selective. It attracts only those unable to learn how to learn anything at all.  

This suggests to me that humanists do not know the value of the thing they are trying to defend.

It is in their interest not to know it if that value is zero or negative. After all, it is better to live in the illusion of doing something worthwhile rather than continue to make a living doing something stupid or mischievous.  

We can spout pieties that sound inspiring to those already convinced of our cause, but so too can an ignorant math teacher “teach” math to those who already know it.

No. The ignorant math teacher would be found out even by students who aren't much better than her.  

As a humanist — someone who reads, teaches and researches primarily philosophy but also, on the side, novels and poems and plays and movies — I am prepared to come out and admit that I do not know what the value of the humanities is.

I don't teach. I do a bit of what might be called 'philosophic research'. I am always able to say what the value of this is. True, that value may be negative- it gives people a reason to reject and condemn vast quantities of verbiage of a useless or mischievous sort. On the other hand, there may be a positive value attached to particular texts or stories or concatenation of effects. 

I do not know whether the study of the humanities promotes democracy

It doesn't.  Nor does the growing of pony-tails or the cooking of cabbage. Why pretend otherwise?  

or improves your moral character

Agnes has studied the humanities. If she can't say it has improved her moral character, it probably hasn't. Perhaps it has no such power- at least for those constituted like Agnes 

or enriches your leisure time

i.e. do you read classical texts for pleasure or do you prefer to binge watch Netflix in your hours of leisure. 

or improves your critical thinking skills or increases your empathy.

more importantly, does it make your dick bigger or intensify orgasms?  

You might be surprised to learn that this bit of ignorance poses no obstacle to me in the classroom.

If ignorance were an obstacle to teaching, there would be no teachers.  

I suppose it would if I approached the teaching of Descartes as a matter of explaining why reading Descartes will make you a better person, but that is not how I teach Descartes, nor does any philosopher I know teach Descartes in that way.

Why teach Descartes? He is easy enough to understand. Moreover, Descartes, as a devout Christian, believed his system would promote both piety as well as a passionate devotion to mathematics and natural science. What is the harm in pointing this out?  

I am there to lay out the premises of his reasoning,

what about his motivation? Surely that has a bearing on the premises he uses? 

to explain some of the relevant concepts, to entertain questions and objections and to work through the arguments together with the students to see if they hold water. We are searching, trying to find the value that may be there.

You are failing if you don't examine Descartes's motivation. If you are teaching Mathematics, you do explain the motivation of a particular lemma. Why not do so in philosophy?  

I once asked the best teacher I ever had why she no longer taught her favorite novel, and she said that she stopped teaching a book when she found she was no longer curious about it.

She was bored with it. People try to delegate parts of their work which they no longer find challenging. So what?  

The humanistic spirit is, fundamentally, an inquisitive one.

Not in Callard's case. She ignores Descartes's motivations so as to merely go through the motions of teaching his system.  

In contrast, defenses of the humanities are not — and cannot be — conducted in an inquisitive spirit, because a defensive spirit is inimical to an inquisitive one.

Very true. Perry Mason is hired to defend a person charged with murder. Mason shows no curiosity about the case. He does not send Paul Drake to question other people who may have had a motive. This is because Mason has a defensive spirit and this is inimical to an inquisitive one.  

Defensiveness is, it must be admitted, an understandable response when budgets are being cut and the chopping block is brought out and you need to explain why you shouldn’t be on it.

Why wait till then? Why not be proactive? Oh. To ask or to seek answers for questions is to be inquisitive. But inquisitive people can't defend shit. That's why Churchill never showed any curiosity about how to get America to help him defend Britain from Hitler.  

It may be that humanists need to spend some of our time joining political battles, which, like all political battles, require their participants to pretend to know things that they do not actually know.

To win a political battle, you should be inquisitive as to whom you need to persuade or cajole or bribe or threaten so as to secure victory. Having a bunch of ignorant nutters on your side won't help. Indeed, the thing may be counterproductive.  

Nonetheless, we should be alert to the danger of becoming accustomed to putting our worst foot forward.

No. We should put our best foot forward. Also we should wipe our bums after shitting rather than be alert to the danger of becoming accustomed to having smelly, stinky, shit smeared bums.  

An atmosphere of urgency and calls for immediate action are hostile to fields of study like literature and philosophy that require a contemplative mood,

No. If your head is on fire, you need to call for immediate action. If you don't, you won't be able to regain a 'contemplative mood' so as to return to the study of literature or philosophy or, indeed, anything unrelated to the fact that your head is on fucking fire.  

and the pretense of knowing what one doesn’t actually know is hostile to forms of inquiry that demand an open mind.

No. Perry Mason may pretend he has in his hand an envelope containing proof that the witness was the true murderer. Mason can keep his mind open while his insinuating line of questioning convinces the witness that he had better tell the truth and throw himself upon the mercy of the Court.

Callard's mistake is to make arbitrary ipse dixit statements which are obviously false and to pretend that such statements are widely regarded as true in her discipline.  

A defensive mind-set also encourages politicization.

No. What encourages 'politicization' is the probability that it will alter outcomes.  

If the study of literature or philosophy helps to fight sexism and racism or to promote democracy and free speech

it doesn't. 

— and everyone agrees that sexism and racism are bad

they don't 

and democracy and free speech are good — then you have your answer as to why we shouldn’t cut funding for the study of literature or philosophy.

You also have your answer to why more and more workplaces should be converted to the study of that shite. If they have some magic property, why not ensure the poorest and stupidest get most of it? Displace it from the University to the Prisons and Brothels and Crack-houses. Callard and her ilk should be teaching in those shitholes.  

Politicization is a way of arming the humanities for its political battles, but it comes at an intellectual cost.

Not in Callard's case. She is as stupid as shit.  

Why are sexism and racism so bad?

Their existence reduces allocative efficiency and thus damages the economy and thus national security. 

Why is democracy so good?

It can be a relatively cheap way to solve collective action problems in a rational manner.  

Politicization silences these and other questions,

Econ answers them and shows how matters can be improved.  

whereas the function of the humanities is to raise them.

Anyone can raise them. Indeed, the thing is more effectively done by victims of sexism or racism who haven't squandered expensive educational opportunities.  

Defensiveness also threatens to infect our work as humanists.

Stupidity and ignorance killed the thing off first.  

A posture that we initially assumed for the purposes of confronting skeptics

a useless posture. If someone is skeptical about the value of poetry, a poet composes a poem which convinces them otherwise. It is no good saying 'poetry is vitally important in preventing Trump from becoming POTUS' because this simply isn't true.  

comes to restructure how we talk to our students,

you talk down to your students. They are stupid and ignorant. Why bother saying anything interesting to them? It would be pearls before swine. Just bang on about how the Humanities are America's last defense against Trump.  

how we construct our syllabuses and even how we read the texts we assign, which now must prove themselves useful toward whichever political goals currently receive the stamp of approval.

I suppose Callard is hedging her bets in this NYT article. Maybe, under a second Trump administration, Hillsdale type Colleges will pay much better than more Left of Center Universities.

Humanists are not alone in their ignorance about the purpose of their disciplines.

Callard is ignorant. I know plenty of Humanists who aren't.  

Mathematicians or economists or biologists might mutter something about practical applications of their work, but very few serious scholars confine their research to some narrow pragmatic agenda.

Many Humanists do so. That is why their books are worth reading.  

The difference between the humanists and the scientists is simply that scientists are under a lot less pressure to explain why they exist,

No. Scientists are under more pressure because there are higher fixed costs for Scientific research. However, Industry support is so strong for obviously utile fields that large numbers of scientists in particular research programs have no great anxieties about future funding.  

because the society at large believes itself to already have the answer to that question.

No. We don't know if String-Theory is a waste of time. Currently, it appears that it has useful applications. But there are plenty of very smart people who disagree.  

If physics were constantly out to justify itself, it would become politicized, too, and physicists would also start spouting pious platitudes about how physics enriches your life.

Something like that did happen with String Theory. People said 'even if the theory can't produce testable hypotheses, still it is beautiful in itself'. Now it appears that some practical applications are possible.  

I will admit that every time I hear of a classics department being cut, it hurts. I may not know why it is important to read Homer and Plato,

it isn't. But people read them anyway for the pleasure of the thing.  

but I do have a deep love for reading, teaching and pondering those texts.

I have a deep love of watching Netflix shows about Vampires and Werewolves. But I don't expect to get paid for it.  

That love is what I have to share with others, as well as the surprise and delight of finding that people thousands of years dead can be one’s partners in inquiry.

Only in the sense that Beyonce is my partner in sex when I wank. 

If at some point I am called on to defend the study of Homer or Descartes at some official hearing, I will do my best, but I do not deem it right to change my approach to what I study and teach in anticipation of that encounter.

Similarly, if Perry Mason is called on to defend Agnes Callard against a charge of murdering one or other of her husbands, he should not deem it right to change his lines of inquiry in anticipation of the court room battle. If he is currently investigating the case of the missing TV remote, he should continue to do so. It is sufficient that he turn up in Court at the appointed day and enter a plea of guilty with no mitigating circumstances. Callard is welcome to fire him and conduct her own defence if she wants to plead innocent.  

I will not run to battle; the battle will have to come to me.

I will continue to be a lazy sod. I don't give a shit about my students. If the College wants to shut down my Department let them come and tell me I'm sacked. I can't be arsed to be proactive in this matter. 

The task of humanists is to invite, to welcome, to entice, to excite, to engage.

No. That is the job of a hostess at a night club. Humanists are supposed to teach certain academic subjects to a certain standard.  

And when we let ourselves be ourselves, when we allow the humanistic spirit that animates us to flow out not only into our classrooms but also in our public-self presentation, we find we don’t need to defend or prove anything: We are irresistible.

You are stupid. Still, we understand that students in non-STEM subjects are even stupider. You are a sort of glorified child-minder telling them not to incessantly rape or stab each other and to hold off on eating their own shit till recess.  

Are the humanities valuable?

No. They are taught by cretins who were taught by cretins. Ecrasez l'infame!  

What is their value? These are good questions, they are worth asking, and if humanists don’t ask them, no one will.

No. The people who pay for the thing ask these questions. If they decide not to pay for it, the humanists will be fucked.  

But remember: No one can genuinely ask a question to which she thinks she already has the answer.

Nonsense! Anyone can ask such a question. Indeed, if there is a zero-knowledge proof you have the answer to an interesting question- e.g. how can an investor double her money in a month?- then it is very profitable to ask the question on every possible forum so as to drum up business. 

With the humanities, if you can point to empirical evidence that some particular objective is achieved- e.g. Humanities graduates score higher in linguistic skills- then there is a zero-knowledge proof that the thing 'adds value'. This is because no extra information is conveyed about how linguistic skills were boosted. But that is good enough. 

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Colin Meyer's mischievous shite

It is tempting to see all the problems of the world as being caused by myopic greed or a failure to consider the common good. In economics this could be an argument for Nationalization of everything. In politics it could be an argument for Dynastic rule (so that the ruler has an interest preserving the inheritance of his distant descendants) supported by an elite collegium of technocratic administrators. Sadly, such 'Enlightened Despotisms' could not compete with greedy, individualistic, myopic enterprises or regimes. 

Reviewing a book by Colin Meyer for Project Syndicate, Jean-Baptiste Wautier writes-

For example, he argues that equity ownership should be transformed from a bundle of rights into a set of obligations and responsibilities to uphold the delivery of a higher company purpose.

One can go on piling taxes and various sorts of obligations and compliance costs on an enterprise- till it goes bankrupt. But what do you do after that happens? There may be large external benefits associated with its existence. The collapse of a big firm could cause the collapse of large sections of the economy. Also, as tax revenue falls, entitlements will have to be curtailed. 

If shareholders can be held to account for the actions of companies, why do politicians have sovereign immunity for intra vires actions when they held office? Why is there a doctrine of political question? 

Shareholding would no longer be simply about owning a stream of cash flows and some say in governance; rather, one would own the problem the business is trying to solve.

In which case there would have to be laws about who can own shares because, in effect, the shareholder would be a partner in an unlimited liability enterprise. Only people capable of understanding their social obligations can be shareholders. This is cool. The Govt. can take away shares from your pension pot and give it to their cronies who are highly socially responsible.   

In other words, a board would mainly focus on the higher purpose of the company it looks after, tracking how effective it is at solving specific issues and what negative externalities it generates along the way.

Why not pass a law saying only Bishops and Members of the Cabinet can be on the board of public companies? Shareholders must belong to the Established Church and the Ruling Party. That way, we can be sure they have a proper sense of social responsibility.  

In a financial world dominated by exchange-traded funds and index tracking, this change alone would be a Copernican revolution.

It could certainly take us back to the days of Tycho Brahe. Bishops and Dukes should be on the board of every Enterprise. The Inquisition should deal with Jews and other such undesirable elements.  

I have long advocated the kinds of changes Mayer recommends,

the dude is French- i.e. fucked in the head. Sad that Marshall Petain was not able to make French industry as socially responsible as that of Hitler's Germany. Still, where he failed maybe Jordan Bardella can succeed where Vichy failed.  

especially when it comes to publicly traded companies.

In which case they will de-list and go private   

It takes many years, if not decades, to devise new corporate strategies, solve complex problems, and address negative externalities.

This is even more true of government policies. Why are we permitting an administration to do what it likes for four or five years and then letting those who ran it enjoy sovereign immunity for whatever they did when in office?  

But these kinds of time horizons are completely at odds with the short-termism prevailing among owners and managers.

Not to mention the short-termism among trade unions and consumers. Why are we allowing people to spend their own money on things which, in ten years time, we might realize were associated with negative externalities? Also, how come people are allowed to scratch their own arse? It is totes selfish behavior. Nobody should be allowed to scratch their own arse till they have tenderly and solicitously scratched every other arse in the vicinity.  

Under the current share-price dictatorship, quarterly earnings are all that matter.

Under the current consumerist dictatorship, people can order a pizza and have it delivered in quarter of an hour. How is this right? Before you order a pizza should you not do an Cost Benefit study based on considerations of environmental sustainability and the principles of Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity? Is that not elementary common sense? But then is it not the case that it is reckless to breathe in and then breathe out without performing a proper evaluation of impact on all relevant public policy parameters?  

There is an urgent need for a new approach.

No. There is an urgent need for French nutters to chop off their own heads and shove it up their poopers.  

Boards could be required to ensure that every part of the organization is contributing to the pursuit of long-term goals relating to its core business purpose (as opposed to generating short-term profits for the sake of profits).

Great. More forms to fill out. We'll have to get in more MBAs or ENA grads to churn out that shite out.  Fuck that. Just get the intern to do it. 

Decentralized sources of funding – such as equity investors

I suppose that's what this cunt is 

or financial institutions – can be given a greater say, thereby facilitating

their getting very fucking rich while the economy turns to shit 

accurate measurement,

arbitrary measurement. It's odd how you think the numbers are just fine if you get paid to think they are just fine.  

which aggregation at a global level renders impossible.

Aggregation is always arbitrary. Still, if consistently done, it can be useful.

And the standard time horizon for measuring performance could be significantly expanded through, for example, incentive plans relying on fundamental performance indicators that only get measured after five years or more.

So this guy sets the 'performance indicators' for his pals and then they do the same for him. How very cozy! 

Mayer’s book is

stupid shit 

an essential contribution to the debate about contemporary capitalism and its descent into dysfunction. Fixing the system, and changing how we think about it, is critical to preserving democracy, free markets, and capitalism itself.

But if 'shareholders' should have unlimited liability so should voters. Did you vote for the wrong guy last time around? You must be punished for you failure to live up to your social responsibilities.  

Mayer offers a persuasive argument for why higher purpose must replace profit as the primary objective driving companies and markets.

Highest purpose is God's purpose. Did you know that God talks to me? You'd all better do what I tell you God wants to do otherwise you will burn in Hell or, if we can reform Capitalism and Democracy, sooner than that in a nice auto da fe.  

Even if it is not yet clear how to do this in practice, it is obvious that this should be our task.

It is obvious that French intellectuals are as stupid as shit even if they don't marry their High School Drama teacher.  

We will need to explore the use of longer time horizons,

By reintroducing the hereditary principle. That way the guy doing a particular job today has an incentive to ensure it is done in a sustainable manner because his distant descendants will have to do the very same job.  

more decentralized models of corporate governance,

Which is what happens when an enterprise no longer 'internalizes externalities'. Instead of a chain of command, you have bribes and evanescent coalitions and alliances. Welcome to anarchy.  

and public-private partnerships.

i.e. crony capitalism and jobs for the boys 

Mayer’s core principles will serve us well as we try to save our current form of capitalism from itself.

Fortunately, these nutters won't get the chance. If a particular country destroys its private sector, other countries will eat their lunch. You can always stop yourself from doing sensible things. You can't stop other people doing sensible things and thus ending up taking away resources from you.  

Consider the following sample of Meyer's historical wisdom-

Mistrust in business is profound, pervasive and persistent.

No. The more business you transact the less you mistrust the counterparty.  

Why? I suggest that the answer is this, the free man doctrine, that there is one and only one social purpose of business, to increase profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game.

Unless you go beyond the rules of the game and provide an additional benefit (because you have economies of scope and scale, including risk economies) which in turn generates a reputational benefit which leads to even higher turnover and thus greater economies. This is a virtuous circle very different from Meyer's Manichaean belief that self-interest is greed and greed is always wicked and vicious.  

And that idea has been the basis of business practice, business policy, and business education around the world ever since.

No. Capital gains- including those made from 'goodwill' which is marked to market- are as or more important as profits. This man is a cretin.  

And virtually, every business school course starts with a proposition that the purpose of business is to maximize shareholder value and everything else, strategy operations, management follows from that.

No. By the time you get do an MBA you know that it is almost always better to have Capital Gains rather than Profits- if only for tax reasons. Anyway, if you get a job as CEO, it is likely that your bonus will be tied to share value appreciation. This is one reason why big Companies exit 'repugnancy' markets'- or pretend to.  

But it wasn’t always there. Indeed, the corporation was established with a very different purpose under Roman law 2,000 years ago to undertake public functions, collecting taxes, melting coins, building and looking after public buildings.

Those were public bodies. Private enterprises were called 'societa' or, for guilds, 'collegia'. The 'societa publicanorum' could function like a limited liability company and often did take over a lot of public services. The 'publican' might be a tax farmer or military contractor.  The Empire could be suspicious of over large or mighty guilds or trading enterprises.

And for nearly all of its 2000-year history is this combined public purpose with its commercial activities.

Nonsense! No such enterprise survived the dark ages. I may mention that Knightly Orders- e.g. the Templars, could engage in commercial activities. This was also true of monasteries. It should be said that it wasn't till the nineteenth century that public servants did not buy and sell their offices or deduct a percentage from the money that passed through their hands. In other words, the business of government was done in the manner of greedy businessmen- if it was done at all.  

It’s only over the last 60 years that this notion that business has only one purpose, to make money,

Rubbish! Eighteenth and Nineteenth century Europe and India and China and so forth all had celebrated individuals or business dynasties who were renowned for their skill at making huge profits. But even in the middle ages there were people like Jacque de Coeur and the Fuggers. But such people existed in other countries and in other ages. The third Caliph of Islam was a very wealthy businessman. Crassus, the colleague of Caesar, was as rich as Croesus- an ancient Lydian King. There is nothing new under the Sun. 

histories, and it’s that which lies at the heart of the problems of inequality, environmental degradation, and mistrust.

Inequality reflects differences in endowments and productivity. Where both are low, there may be more, not less, environmental degradation. Also, if people keep trying to kill you in order to steal your sandwich, you will soon become very mistrustful indeed.  

And it’s going to get worse because technological opportunities offer tremendous opportunities for advancing humanity and contributing to our welfare, it also poses serious risks.

More particularly, if the Chinese have it and we don't.  

And as technology accelerates, soon too does the lag of policy behind business innovation and the response of government and regulators becomes increasingly inappropriate.

That's already happened. But don't forget if Government can't take over Business, Business can take over Government or a modus vivendi can be reached. Thus has it always been. Deal with it.  

Zizek seeing Fascists under the bed

The always silly Slavoj Zizek writes in Project Syndicate
With mainstream parties and politicians already preparing to accommodate the far right following this month's European Parliament election, the axiom of post-World War II European democracy has been quietly abandoned. “No collaboration with fascists" is being replaced by a tacit acceptance of them.

There was never any such axiom. At one time the German Communists thought their real enemy was the Social Democrats whom they labeled 'Social Fascists' and that sense persisted on the Far Left even into my own youth. True, after the War, there was a brief period when there was talk of boycotting Franco and excluding all pro-Axis elements from administrations across the Continent. But this didn't last. In Italy, the MSI reorganized itself quickly and supported the Christian Democrats. It's lineal descendants were part of Berlusconi's coalition. The current Italian PM is of pure MSI pedigree. In other words, it could be seen as the senior partner in a coalition with Christian Democrats. Thus, in the country which invented the term 'Fascist', there has been almost continuous collaboration with Fascists. 

Something similar, but more tacit, happened in West Germany. Certain Nazis rose under Christian Democratic administrations.  Hans Globke was the most notorious example.  Under Hitler, he was high up in the 'Office of Jewish Affairs'. After the War he became chief of Adenaeur's Federal Chancery. Another example was the Christian Democrat Kurt Georg Kiesinger - a Nazi Party member who began his rise in the bureaucracy under Gobbels and Ribbentrop. He became Chancellor in 1966 after entering into an alliance with the Socialist Willy Brandt. According to the German Government records, by the end of the 1950s, 77 per cent of staff of the Ministry of Defense were former NSDAP members, 50 per cent in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and one-third of the Foreign Office. A total of twenty-seven
Chancellors and federal ministers had been members of NSDAP, Sturmabteilung (SA) or SS. An example is the long serving Vice Chancellor & Minister of the Exterior Hans-Dietrich Genscher.

In France, there is a line of descent from Doriot's collaborationist PFF through Poujade to Le Pen. Interestingly, Mitterrand fondled Poujade who turned against Le Pen. But then Mitterrand had started off on the far-Right and had worked for the Vichy while also being part of the Resistance. He came to power in alliance with the Communists. It seems everybody was collaborating with everybody else save those whom they were supposed to be collaborating with. 

LJUBLJANA – The surprise in this month’s European Parliament elections was that the outcome everyone expected really did come to pass. To paraphrase a classic scene from the Marx Brothers: Europe may be talking and acting like it is moving to the radical right, but don’t let that fool you; Europe really is moving to the radical right.

The Left shat the bed. The Center had to bunk-up with the Right. Maybe the Right can reduce the Center to a junior partner. What is more likely is that it too will shit the bed. The trouble is that everybody now thinks the bed is a toilet. Collaboration is about rolling around in each others shit. 

Why should we insist on this interpretation? Because most of the mainstream media has sought to downplay it. The message we keep hearing is: “Sure, Marine Le Pen, Giorgia Meloni, and Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) occasionally flirt with fascist motifs, but there is no reason to panic, because they still respect democratic rules and institutions once in power.”

So, there are no genuine Fascists around. Immigration can be curbed and borders sealed without a fucking Fuhrer. True, the virtue signalers may howl, but the truth is they aren't too keen on the good folk from Boko Haram moving in next door.  

Yet this domestication of the radical right should trouble us all, because it signals a readiness by traditional conservative parties to go along with the new movement.

Traditional conservative parties implode when they do stupid shit- e.g. the British Tory party- in an attempt to outflank 'insurgent' populist leaders like Farage. Will Europe clamp down on immigration? To some extent sure. But there are plenty of other economic and environmental challenges to worry about. I suppose we will have to import lots of smart Taiwanese people or whatever to fix things.  

The message of this election is clear. The political divide in most EU countries is no longer between the moderate right and the moderate left,

That isn't a divide. That is the definition of centrism. 

but between the conventional right, embodied by the big winner, the European People’s Party (comprising Christian democrats, liberal-conservatives, and traditional conservatives)

which had been happy to be in bed with Orban till about five years ago 

and the neo-fascist right represented by Le Pen, Meloni, AfD, and others.

The solution is for everybody to agree to get tough on immigration. The big question is whether Europe can put together an effective army and seal its borders.  

The question now is whether the EPP will collaborate with neo-fascists.

Sure. Why not? After the War, the ex-Fascists were a junior partner in an anti-Commie coalition. But the Left declined all by itself. The Berlin Wall fell by itself. There was a period of rising affluence but then there was a disastrous anti-Muslim war which itself has fueled immigration into a Continent fearful of recession, climate change, terrorism, and its own shadow.  

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is spinning the outcome as a triumph of the EPP against both “extremes,” yet the new parliament will include no left-wing parties whose extremism is even distantly comparable to that of the far right.

Curbing immigration is doable. Woke shite isn't. As for doctrinaire Stalinists, they serve but to remind us of stand up routines by Alexei Sayle back in the Eighties.  

Such a “balanced” view from the EU’s top official sends an ominous signal.

No. It is reassuring. There aren't really any Fascists goose-stepping around hailing some Fuhrer or Il Duce. In Italy there is a nice blonde lady. In France, as Premier, there may be handsome young fellow, with some Algerian but mostly Italian heritage. These aren't really scary figures. 

When we talk about fascism today, we should not confine ourselves to the developed West. A similar kind of politics has been ascendant in much of the Global South as well. In his study of China’s development, the Italian Marxist historian Domenico Losurdo (also known for his rehabilitation of Stalin) stresses the distinction between economic and political power. In pursuing his “reforms,” Deng Xiaoping knew that elements of capitalism are necessary to unleash a society’s productive forces; but he insisted that political power should remain firmly in the hands of the Communist Party of China (as the self-proclaimed representative of the workers and farmers).

The Chinese saw what happened when Gorby surrendered Party control of the economy. It was obvious there would be a 'scissors crisis'. This had nothing to do with Fascism, Nazism or the Spanish fucking Inquisition.  

This approach has deep historical roots.

No. China adopted a strategy which had worked for the previous two decades in places like Taiwan and South Korea. These were shallow historical roots.  

For over a century, China has embraced the “pan-Asianism”

No. Japan proclaimed that shite. What they meant was that they should conquer Korea, China, Indo-China, India etc. to create a 'Co-Prosperity sphere' where they would become prosperous and everbody else would be used as slave labor.  

that emerged toward the end of the nineteenth century as a reaction against Western imperialist domination and exploitation. As historian Viren Murthy explains, this project has always been driven by a rejection not of Western capitalism, but of Western liberal individualism and imperialism.

Sun Yat Sen was liberal enough. The problem was that the Army Chief quickly grabbed power and declared himself Emperor. The only way to rule China was to fucking conquer it. Elections had no magic power.  

By drawing on pre-modern traditions and institutions, pan-Asianists argued, Asian societies could organize their own modernization to achieve even greater dynamism than the West.

No. By working harder and doing lots of scientific research any country can overtake any other country. Bleating about Fascism or Democracy or whatever is a fucking waste of time.  

While Hegel himself

was a deeply ignorant cunt 

saw Asia as a domain of rigid order that does not allow for individualism (free subjectivity), pan-Asianists proposed a new Hegelian conceptual framework.

Nonsense! Okakura was Fenelossa's student. Hegel had been translated but he was received through the filter of Herbert Spencer. The Manchus followed Tibetan Buddhism. The Japanese started studying Sanskrit and Kawi so as to use a different strain of Buddhism- maybe the Olcott kind revived in India by the Theosophists- to gain hegemony. Indeed, this is how Nishida and the Kyoto School were first received in the West. However, it was Okakura's 'Book of Tea' which came out a few years earlier, which became a best seller. But Japan already had its own mystique based on its painters and samurais and jiu jitsu- which even Sherlock Holmes learned- and, for vegans, tofu.  

Since the freedom offered by Western individualism

American individualism- maybe. Europe was either regimented or as poor as shit. Still, the Japs did model their Parliament on European models.  

ultimately negates order and leads to social disintegration, they argued, the only way to preserve freedom is to channel it into a new collective agency.

National agencies. A national army and national bureaucracy rather than feudal lords with their own armies and bureaucracies.  

One early example of this model can be found in Japan’s militarization and colonialist expansion before WWII.

There was none after it. Militarization and colonization goes back to the late Nineteenth Century.  

But historical lessons are soon forgotten. In the search for solutions to big problems, many in the West could be newly attracted to the Asian model of subsuming individualistic drives and the longing for meaning in a collective project.

India is in Asia. Just as nobody in the West is dressing up as Samurai, so too, nobody is putting on a dhoti and wandering around with a milch goat.  

Pan-Asianism tended to oscillate between its socialist and fascist versions (with the line between the two not always clear), reminding us that “anti-imperialism” is not as innocent as it may appear.

No. Asians of all types wanted the Europeans to fuck the fuck off. Anti-imperialism is as innocent as telling foreigners to stop ruling your country and to fuck the fuck off.  

In the first half of the twentieth century, Japanese and German fascists regularly presented themselves as defenders against American, British, and French imperialism,

No. They presented themselves as deserving of an equal place in the Sun. It is a different matter that they might give some money to revolutionaries in British India, etc. Vichy regimes in French Indo-China collaborated with the Japanese. The Dutch, in Indonesia, did not.  

and one now finds far-right nationalist politicians taking similar positions vis-à-vis the European Union.

Nonsense! Far-right politicians are neither clamoring for colonies in Africa nor promising to help the indigenous people of Kilburn to throw out their cruel Anglo Saxon rulers.  

The same tendency is discernible in post-Deng China, which political scientist A. James Gregor classifies as “a variant of contemporary fascism”:

There is no contemporary Fascism. Why not say it is a variant on contemporary Zoroastrianism?  

a capitalist economy controlled and regulated by an authoritarian state whose legitimacy is framed in the terms of ethnic tradition and national heritage.

China imitated South Korea and Taiwan. Their affluence, however, meant they seemed to be becoming more like other OECD countries.  

That is why Chinese President Xi Jinping makes a point of referring to China’s long, continuous history stretching back to antiquity.

So did Nixon. China has a very very fucking long history.  

Harnessing economic impulses for the sake of nationalistic projects is the very definition of fascism,

No. It is the definition of Nationalism. Fascists have a duty to beat Commies- which is why they were once found useful.  

and similar political dynamics can also be found in India, Russia, Turkey, and other countries.

like Canada and Norway.  

It is not hard to see why this model has gained traction.

A model which fits every fucking polity in existence isn't a model. It has no explanatory or predictive power. Why not just say 'Fascists breathe. Guess who else breathes? Chairman Xi! Xi is a Fascist though he is a Communist. But Biden too breathes. He too is a Fascist. Why is Fascism gaining so much traction?'  

While the Soviet Union suffered a chaotic disintegration, the CPC pursued economic liberalization but still maintained tight control. Thus, leftists who are sympathetic toward China praise it for keeping capital subordinated, in contrast to the US and European systems, where capital reigns supreme.

Who gives a fuck what 'leftists' or other lunatics are sympathetic to? They have no power.  

But the new fascism is also supported by more recent trends. Beyond Le Pen, another big winner of the European elections is Fidias Panayiotou, a Cypriot YouTube personality who previously gained attention for his efforts to hug Elon Musk.

The man does not matter in the slightest. Neither does his country- unless Turkey invades again.  The question is, will Europe help Cyprus with its refugee problem? 

While waiting outside Twitter’s headquarters for his target, he encouraged his followers to “spam” Musk’s mother with his request. Eventually, Musk did meet and hug Panayiotou, who went on to announce his candidacy to the European Parliament. Running on an anti-partisan platform, he won 19.4% of the popular vote and secured himself a seat.

Hugging is Fascist. Did you know that Mussolini used to hug his Mummy? Ban hugging immediately! 

Similar figures have also cropped up in France, the United Kingdom, Slovenia, and elsewhere, all justifying their candidacies with the “leftist” argument that since democratic politics has become a joke, clowns might as well run for office.

An actual clown, Beppe Grillo, led the 5 Star Movement which formed an administration in Italy. Zelensky too is a comedian. 

This is a dangerous game.

Dangerous for Putin. Don't think a witty Jew can't fight.  

If enough people despair of emancipatory politics

because it is stupid shit 

and accept the withdrawal into buffoonery, the political space for neo-fascism widens.

Only because 'emancipatory politics' thinks everybody and his cat is a Fascist.  

Reclaiming that space requires serious, authentic action.

You can't reclaim what you never had. 

For all my disagreements with French President Emmanuel Macron,

What would worry us is if he agreed with Macron on anything 

I think he was correct to respond to the French far right’s victory by dissolving the National Assembly and calling for new legislative elections.

A case in point.  

His announcement caught almost everyone off guard, and it is certainly risky. But it is a risk worth taking. Even if Le Pen wins and decides who will be the next prime minister, Macron, as president, will retain the ability to mobilize a new majority against the government.

No. He will be a lame duck if Le Pen's party gets a big enough majority.  

We must take the fight to the new fascism as forcefully and as fast as possible.

Back in 1956, Sir Anthony Eden, the British Prime Minister, convinced himself that Nasser was actually Hitler. So, together with the French and the Israeli's Eden launched an invasion of the Canal Zone. Both the Soviets and the Americans gave Eden a good scolding and so the three aggressors had to return home with their tail between their legs. 

Macron isn't Eden. He is young. He doesn't have a foot in the grave. He isn't going to start seeing Nazis under the bed and Fascists in the coal cellar. 

Europe needs France to take the lead in creating a European Army. But, if Europe can't seal its borders what is the point of such an Army? The Americans may give you weapons to repel invaders. Who will help you against immigrants who may have very good historical reasons for hating you?