Sunday 26 May 2024

Gurcharan Das's Racist anti-Hinduism

Hindu-phobic, Eurocentric- if not exactly Aryan Supremacist- Gurcharan Das, in a recent email- quotes the following passage from one of his shite books to me. The cunt does not get that Iyers are Tamil Shaivites or Smarthas. I had previously called him a cretin. I now call him a senile cretin who, for his own health and wellbeing, should stay the fuck away from 'Madrasi' Hindus. 

A day in September, 2015. I have a few hours to kill before my flight in Madras

The senile cunt means Chennai 

and I decide to visit a museum in Egmore. While I am admiring a Chola bronze from the 11th century, created in the once great city of Tanjore,

as apposed to Lahore- from which this anti-Hindu cunt had to run away from 

a middle-aged, barefoot woman in a six-foot

six yard, you stupid cunt! 

South Indian saree is standing behind me. I make way for her.

You are short and have a shitty physique. You would get your fucking arse kicked if you didn't move along sharpish you worthless Punjabi cunt.  

Without self-consciousness, she comes forward and puts a vermilion mark on the Shiva Nataraja.

Nothing wrong in that. That's what us Hindus do in Tamil Nadu.  This Punjabi cunt comes from Lahore where, perhaps, the local Hindus were too cowed to do 'idol worship'.

I am appalled.

Why? This cunt isn't Muslim. Otherwise, he and his family would not have gotten Indian Citizenship.  

Doesn’t she realise this is a museum, not a temple?

Doesn't this senile cunt realize he aint in fucking Lahore anymore?  

I soon realise that we live in different worlds.

She lived in a State where Jayalalitha- a Brahmin woman, was Chief Minister- Gurshithead lived in La La land.  

Mine is secular;

No. Yours was commercial. Gurshithead was in the Corporate sector. But he took early retirement. I wonder why? No I don't. His company was soon involved in a scandal. Maybe the cunt jumped before he was pushed.  

hers is sacred. Both of us stand before the bronze statue with different expectations.

Gurshithead had no 'expectations'. He was just going through the motions.  

For me, it is a 900-year-old object of beauty; for her, it is God.

Fuck off! She was Tamil. I'm Tamil. Gurshithead isn't. I know what it was for her. I also know that Gurshithead has no fucking autonomous aesthetic sense. Had his Professor at Harvard told him that what is sublime is the smell of a Sardarji's fart, that is what he would record in his senile and stupid book 

Mine is aesthetic pleasure;

No. Gurshithead is incapable of any such thing.  

hers is divine darshana.

No. It is part of her Dharma or pietas. Darshana means something different, though no doubt, according to a particular 'Matam' or religious dogma, what she did opened the door for others to an intuition of a transcendent sort. Even Gurshittyshithead farting in Punjabi fashion, could not prevent this outcome. 

She doesn’t see what I see, a brilliant work in bronze by an early Chola artist.

Yes she does. She- unlike you- Gurshittyshithead- knows Tamil. She is a descendant of the Cholas or their artists or patrons.  

I admire the weightless joy of the dancer,

The cretin thinks he is looking at the sculpture of a Russian ballet dancer. He does not get that it is Bhudevi- Earth- who is being worshipped, not Gravity which is being defied. 

so skilfully captured by the sculptor. I move along, passing by other bronzes, getting irritated when the bronzes are dusty, or ill lit, or poorly spaced.

I'm irritated by this fucking cretin who emails this shite to me to prove he aint 'anti-idolatry'.  

But just as quickly, I feel embarrassed about my petty concerns, my niggling mind.

No you don't. Otherwise you wouldn't email me this shite. You actually think you are good at English prose. You aren't. You are an embarrassment. 

I look for the woman after a while. She is still there, absorbed by her light-footed, tireless prancing god,

Prancing? This fucking ponce would get my boot up his bum if he were not eighty fucking years old

Iyers are Smarta or Saivite. Why did this stupid Punjabi cunt email me this shit?  

whose dance actually brings the universe into being. Without missing a beat, 

Coz 'missing a beat' is something 'the Lord of the Dance' might do- right?

and in the fullness of time,

as opposed to what? The fulness of a Punjabi colon?  

he dances it out of existence. There is a luxuriant richness

Punjabis aren't content with luxury, they want luxury to be very very rich. This shows they are super smart- right? 

in her sacred world,

one where Jayalalitha was CM. 

compared to the poverty of my weary, feeble and secular existence.

You aren't poor. You are stupid.  

To her, the beat of the drum in Shiva’s right hand announces a momentous event.

No. The 'damaru' is a hypokeimenon. That's the sort of word Punjabi cunts don't understand. Saiva-Siddhanta Tamils do.  

The flame in his left hand is telling her that the universe is about to be created.

No. This cretin can't even properly regurgitate the stupid shit he has read. The Universe will be destroyed. But Time, in this respect, for Tamil Shaivism (or Jainism for that matter), isn't 'sequential' over such events. One may say it is temporally 'Skhorokod'. Gurshithead does not know of such or similar ideas in Math or Physics. He is stupid and senile.  

His lower right hand bestows upon her freedom from fear.

No. A mudra can signal some such thing. It can't bestow it. Gurshithead is as stupid as shit.  

His raised left arm is a symbol of her release.

No. It is a promise.  

For someone carrying out such a momentous mission, her god looks cool, athletic and debonair.

As opposed to a short ugly cunt like Gurshithead- the veritable incarnation of the Punjabi 'pad' or fart which, if the cunt wasn't eighty years old, would get my boot solidly lodged up his fucking arse.  

My modern, secular, 
English-speaking life, in comparison, seems empty.

Because you aren't a Shaivite. Fuck off to a Radhosoami Ashram you boring senile cunt.  

I will never know the depth,the opulence of her world.

You will never know shit about what you have an inherited prejudice against. 

My secular friends will be quick to brand her superstitious,

unless I am around to kick their fucking heads in 

illiterate and casteist.

Gurshithead is both of those things save for some puerile, or Punjabi, purpose.  

But she is probably more tolerant, accepting of diversity,

Fuck off! She will beat me and chase me out of the house if I come home smelling of sharab or kebab.  

because she is capable of seeing God everywhere.

No. We do Puja because we don't have that 'siddhi'. 

She thus has something to teach both the secularists of the Congress Party

which is owned by a Brahmin dynasty. Menaka was a non-Brahmin Punjabi. She and her son were told to fuck the fuck off.  

and the Hindu nationalists of the BJP.

Why did Gurshithead run away to a Hindu nationalist country? Why did his family not go to Iran or Afghanistan?  

They might even learn the real meaning of secularism from her

Might Pakistan learn this from her? Gurshithead comes from what became that country. Why does he not return there?  

—that the practice of religion is a very private pursuit,

not in Pakistan. Fuck off back there Gurshithead! 

to be respected and left to the individual.

This worthless cunt, writing in 2015, won't mention his own Punjab's Sikh scripture 'desecration' controversy which led to the fall of the Badal administration. This racist cunt, who thinks he is a fucking White Aryan, looks down on Dravidian darkies and their Hindu customs. 

In my world of museums, concert halls, and bookstores,

where you are tolerated as a polite little darkie 

there is plenty of search for beauty but no place for the holy.

Fuck off! There is plenty of space for God in Christian America or Europe. 

When Nietzsche taught that ‘God is dead,’ he meant that modern, secular individuals like me had lost the possibility of faith.

No. He showed that being a shite philologist with syphilis was a fucking horrible thing to be.  

The meaninglessness of a non-believer’s life has brought us to an absurd situation.

No it hasn't- unless you are 17 years old and in your second year of a Degree in worthless shite 

Sartre and Camus had

shat the bed. 

offered consolation—‘Man creates his own meaning,’ they said

coz saying Man creates his own farts wouldn't have got them paid 

—but that is easier said than done. The life of my fellow museum visitor, on the other hand, held the possibility of fullness and wholeness of being.

This cunt doesn't get that what she did was POLITICAL.  

I turn to look once again at the statue of Shiva Nataraja.

And once again see nothing.  

He is still unperturbed, absorbed in the serious business of creating and destroying the universe.

Nope. That is maya- delusion- you deracinated cunt. 

There is something new, however. Under his raised left leg is a marigold flower!

Emblemizing  Gayatri- you stupid cunt.  

I decide that the next time the world gets too much for me, I shall go and visit a museum. If I’m not careful, I too might experience eternity.

Not if you don't even know the fucking Gayatri mantra.  

This is a true story and my favourite.

Because you are a stupid Punjabi.  

It revealed to me that I had matured as a liberal and learned how to respond to someone of the opposite belief to mine with openness, respect and an ability to appreciate with quiet
 patience the very best qualities in the other person’s belief.

This cunt emailed me this shite. What he revealed to me is that he is a senile piece of racist shit.  

I recommend it as an ethically responsible way to live in the world.

I recommend death to Gurshithead. Seriously. The man is an embarrassment. Why can't he simply shit his pants and rail against the Jews like others of his ilk?  

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