Wednesday 25 October 2023

Le Carre's pigeon tunnel

Born in Bonn- our Benares on the Rhine- which for him was a small Germanic Town
 I too supplied his wind tunnel, Rati's really, where the but winged yet drown
I see in his oeuvre no greater mystery than Faith nor Wine of posher sort
Than it takes Judas Silver to divine- or Simony to abort.


Prince! This difference there is between mystery and puzzle
None have cause the latter to muzzle.

A 'Pigeon tunnel' is one where trapped homing pigeons are sent down a dark tunnel so as to provide targets for the shotguns of Casino patrons. Since pigeons have a short memory (Sanskrit 'Smara') they return to where they were fed and caged only for the cycle to be repeated. It is obvious how this relates to Dharmic notions of Rati, Kama, Pradyumna, Smarahara etc. 

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