Sunday 22 May 2022

Dilip D'Souza vs Amish Tripathi

Amish Tripathi is Hindu. Dilip D'Souza isn't. has published the following by the latter in which he reacts to what Tripathi said during a recent interview re. the Gyanvapi case.

let me react to a few of the points he made.

First, “where India is different [from] Turkey and other countries”, Tripathi said, is that “the majority is dharmic and liberal, they wait patiently, sometimes for centuries.” This is why, Tripathi went on, “I could not advocate any hatred.”

Turkey suppressed the Kurdish language. It has moved from Secularism to an Islamist position though this may change if Erdogan falls because of economic problems in that country. India has not suppressed any language. It has not tampered with Religion in the manner of Attaturk. Its foreign policy has no religious component unlike that of Erdogan. 

Will D'Souza engage with Tripathi by discussing how India differs from Turkey? No. He will list atrocities. The problem here is that the Hindus have plenty of atrocities committed upon them which they can point to. 

That is reassuring. But is it really necessary to list the innumerable recent cases of hatred and its consequences? Well, maybe it is. Let us try just a few.

Think of Mohammed Akhlaq, slaughtered by his neighbours who suspected that he had beef in his home near Dadri on the outskirts of New Delhi in September 2015.

Why think of him? Plenty of Hindus have been slaughtered just for being Hindus. It is not the case that Kashmiri Pundits are being killed because they are suspected of desecrating the Quran.  

On the other hand, when we hear the name D'Souza we think of Samson D'Souza accused of raping and killing a 15 year of British Schoolgirl. Why is D'Souza not showing any remorse for this horrible crime? After all, by his logic, if all Hindus are responsible for any crime committed by Hindus then he himself is a rapist and a murderer. I have eyewitness testimony as to his penchant for raping and killing girls and then cutting open their bellies so as to drag out a fetus, which was just quietly reading Gramsci and underling passages and writing 'so true!' in the margin. D'Souza then foully rapes and kills these fetuses before slitting open their bellies and dragging out yet smaller fetuses which too are quietly reading Gramsci- but in the Italian original. 

Think of the several young Dalits in Una in Gujarat in July 2016. Accusing them of killing cows, a “cow protection group” tied the Dalit youths to a car and beat them with sticks, rods and knives.

So, in both cases the religion of the victim was not the issue. The fact is a person deemed to have desecrated a sacred object may become the victim of violence in any country. Think of Charlie Hebdo.  

Think of Pehlu Khan, lynched by cow vigilantes near Alwar in Rajasthan, in April 2017.

D'Souza may think the cow isn't holy. He may think there is nothing wrong with pictorial representations of the Holy Prophet. He may feel that desecration of Sikh scripture is no big deal. But he isn't attacking Sikhs or Muslims, is he? He is only focusing on Hindus.  

Think of Mohammed Afrazul, whom Shambhulal Regar hacked to death and then burned the body in Rajsamand district in Rajasthan in December 2017, solely because Afrazul was Muslim. Regar was so proud of this atrocity that he got his nephew to film him in action.

He said he was trying to stop 'love jihad'. The truth is the nutter thought he could get elected by doing this. Who financed his crackpot party? The answer is obvious. Some fools think this will split the BJP vote. 

It must be said, Muslims are quick enough to hack a non-Muslim who marries one of their own girls.  Billipuram Nagaraju was beaten to death in broad daylight by Muslims earlier this month. Why is D'Souza dragging up a case from 5 years ago?

Tripathi does not advocate any hatred, certainly. Is he doing what he can to quench the hatred that burns inside Shambhulal Regar and so many like him?

Is D'Souza saving the Billipurams of the world? 

This hatred that maims and kills too many Indians?

Or which ethnically cleanses Hindus from Muslim majority areas? What is D'Souza's contribution here? He has written a book about the Chinese who were interned in 1962. Has he done anything for the Tibetans and other victims of Chinese brutality?  

Second, it is not just about quenching hatred. Faced with questions about incidents like these and what they say about India, Tripathi says he likes to “look at the data”.

D'Souza is a mathematician. He won't look at data. He will merely show his hatred for Hinduism.  

It tells him that “across the entire Indian subcontinent, there are only two countries where the proportion of minorities as a percentage of the population has actually gone up in the last 70 years, and one of them is India.”

That is reassuring too. But I have to wonder: what would Mohammed Akhlaq have felt if, as his neighbours were lynching him, Tripathi explained to him that “the proportion of minorities as a percentage of the population has actually gone up”?

Why does D'Souza wonder any such thing? Is it because he is sick in the head? No. The fact is he hates Muslims as much as he hates Hindus. He likes day-dreaming about approaching Muslims who are being murdered and talking to them about Statistics. Then, no doubt, he masturbates vigorously. Pope would not be amused. 

What if this calm attempt to reassure Akhlaq included Tripathi’s conclusion about this proportionate increase, that it “shows that India is actually a decent liberal country”?

What if it featured D'Souza jizzing copiously over the the dying man? After all, D'Souza may be some sort of LGBTQ deviant whose constitutional right to get his rocks off in this manner must be protected in a decent liberal country?  

The point: does the data allow us to wave away such savagery?

Only if Hindus are responsible for more savage crimes than their numbers warrant can we speak of savagery as being associated in any way with the Hindu religion. One reason the Cow is Holy and a Directive Principle for its protection exists in the Constitution is because savage crimes would otherwise be committed by cattle rustlers and beef barons. What makes the cow safe also makes minorities safe- unless they run amok.  

Does it allow us to actually celebrate the men accused, for example, when ministers garland them, or when we wrap them in the national flag when they die? What does such celebration say about being decent and liberal?

It says D'Souza is neither decent or liberal. He is a hate monger and a virtue signaller. Why is he not critiquing his own community? The fact is this man and many of his ilk lose no opportunity to express hatred for Hindus even though this damages India.  

A country of 1.4 billion, says Tripathi, will have “some idiots”. No doubt. May we judge a country by how we treat those idiots?

 It has very dangerous Muslim and Christian separatists who massacre Hindus when they can. D'Souza isn't going to denounce those maniacs. He doesn't want to end up with a hand chopped off or as a victim of people who were head-hunters till not too long ago. 

Third, Tripathi points out that “among our faultlines is also caste oppression.” But he goes on to say that we speak of it “truthfully” and have “made compensation for it” by running “the biggest positive discrimination/affirmative action programme in the history of humanity”.

Christians were excluded from these benefits by the 1935 Act passed by Westminster.  

He means, of course, our long-standing policy of reservations, and he is right to point to it.

Yet, can Tripathi really be unaware of the tremendous backlash against reservations over many years? There is Rajeev Goswami, who set himself on fire in the midst of an enormous protest against reservations.

Thirty years ago. Why is this fool dragging the matter up now? Back then the theory was that 'Mandal' would break 'Mandir' based Hindu consolidation. We now have an OBC Prime Minister and a Dalit President. This fool does not realize that Hinduism has come forward while Christianity has stagnated. It still hasn't resolved its caste problem. High Caste Christians like D'Souza won't let the low caste majority take control of Christian institutions. Neither will Ashraf Muslims let go of their stranglehold on Islamic institutions.  

There’s the constant chatter about how the policy kills “merit”. How often have you heard stories about students who use reservations being shunned on their campuses?

By high caste Christians. Sujatha Gidla has exposed the sordid story of 'Brahmin' Christians treating Dalit Christians worse than Whites treated Blacks in Jim Crow America.  

How often have you heard people go on about doctors who benefit from reservations being incompetent and a threat to life?

We have heard this from High Caste Christians. We also know that an Indian Christian refused to let Dr. Ambedkar lodge in his house. That sort of prejudice hasn't gone away. D'Souza may be writing for an American audience. But people of his own class back in India feel contempt for him because he is a hypocrite.  

Tripathi asks: “Hasn’t India actually improved in the last 70 years in terms of how the caste issue is addressed?” How would a member of our lower castes answer that? What would she have to say about caste oppression?

Why say anything? Join the RSS and build your character and moral standing. Then, if you wish, join the BJP and rise up politically to take a leadership role in the reconstruction of the country. Don't waste your time writing about Chinese internees in 1962.

Finally, let us return to something that Tripathi says is the “only disinfectant”: truth. He is absolutely right to call it that. Which is why I am going to list here, randomly selected, just five truths – or possibly, the lack thereof – about this country. This could be a much longer list:

Indians slaughtered 3,000 Indians in Delhi in 1984. Nobody of any significance has been punished.

Congress did so because Indira was killed. But Brahmins in Pune were slaughtered and subjected to arson attacks when the Mahatma was killed.  

Official figures say the pandemic killed about half-a-million Indians. This number flies in the face of reason and common sense. Surely we owe the victims of Covid-19 and their families an honest accounting of what they suffered? Because there’s mounting evidence that the toll is several times higher.

It would exceed one trillion if everybody could get compensation for a COVID death. I myself died fourteen times this months due to COVID.  

Indians slaughtered 1,000 Indians in Mumbai in 1992-’93. Nobody of any significance has been punished.

Christians slaughtered 1.3 million Muslims during their 'War on Terror'. Obama had Osama kidnapped and shot. Nobody has been punished for that. Some became very rich. 

Only a few months ago, the government announced that India suddenly has more women than men. This is so at odds with our documented reality over many years that “truth” is not a word that readily applies here.

 No. The reason more women are getting documented is that they have gained entitlements which is why it is in their interest to get registered and thus show up in the Statistics. This cretin does not understand the basics of Indian Statistical practice. 

Indians slaughtered 1,000 Indians in Gujarat in 2002. Nobody of any significance has been punished.

Because Modi's enemies tried to frame him and a Cabinet colleague of his- a lady Doctor who was in a hospital tending to the injured when, according to false witness statements, she was handing out swords to a mob. A senior police officer swore he had heard Modi give orders to kill Muslims. But cell phone records showed he was miles away from Modi during this alleged conference.

D'Souza and Co. think telling stupid lies will advance their agenda. But the only result has been that he and his ilk are now seen as stupid liars. On the other hand there can be no doubt that reliable eye witnesses are observing him rape and kill fetuses at this very moment.

“True strength will come,” Tripathi told Sonia Singh, “when we speak the truth, when we don’t hide things of the past.” So correct. So let us pick one of those five, then: the slaughter of 1,000 Indians in my city, Mumbai, in 1992-’93.

Cool. D'Souza wants to go after the Shiv Sena- which is now Congress's ally. Lets see whether this guy has the guts to name names and take on the Thackerays and their goons.  

Let us stop hiding it and instead speak of it. Let us punish those killers right away.

D'Souza isn't going to punish the Sena. Instead he is pretending that it was the BJP, not the Sena, which had muscle power in Mumbai. This may keep him safe. After all, the boy is stupid not crazy. If he wants to continue living in Mumbai he has to respect Maratha Manoos.  

That would be some disinfectant.

So would D'Souza swallowing dettol. The truth however requires Old Monk drunk in copious quantities. That's when Indians of our class stop virtue signalling and talk sensibly. The fact is, India is very very poor. It could go off a fiscal cliff. The country needs to pull together not despite its minorities but because of them. They will suffer disproportionately if the country becomes a failed State like Sri Lanka.  

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