Thursday 18 February 2021

Nodeep Kaur v Meena Harris

 Nodeep Kaur is a 24 year old Dalit currently jailed on serious charges of extortion and assault. Judging by a Youtube video, this young activist who may have wanted to become a PhD scholar like her elder sister, is personable, articulate and is working her way up a small 'Workers & Peasants' outfit which was launched three years ago. Her mother had been with a Communist organization for landless agricultural laborers which has declined into insignificance because, nowadays, migrants are brought in for rice transplantation etc, while tractors and pesticides do the remaining work. Interestingly, the family seems to have relocated to Telengana- which suggests a far Left affiliation. Be that as it may, the class which Nodeep springs from is losing or has lost all connection to the land. It is pure hypocrisy- not stupidity as might be the case if we were talking of an upper middle class scholars from the Metros- for her outfit to pretend it is supporting the farmer's agitation because it is common knowledge that those are the guys who oppress the fuck out of them and who now don't even offer them any employment. 

It is significant that Kaur had to go, or was sent, to Haryana to get into the Union business- which can be pretty lucrative provided you are high caste enough to be able to counter-mobilize muscle against that of the Security Company and the Police. 

The problem Nodeep's outfit faces is that Haryana's farmers, like Punjab's farmers, identify with the workshop owners. Indeed, since the workers are the tenants of farmers, the latter's interests are aligned with that of the industrialists. They want the sort of 'industrial peace' which Haryana is famous for. In other words, they join with the police to beat up trouble makers and to have them put away.

Of course, if Nodeep & her chums were lawyers then they could document the worker's grievances and approach the Courts for redress. But they aren't lawyers. They were too poor to go to College. They thought the Union business might lift them up above wage-slavery but what it has actually done is turn them into revolving door convicts. Anytime any genuine extortion is occurring, these 'usual suspects' will be picked up and thrown into jail. 

Will the Human Rights advocates, funded by Soros etc, actually share their spoils with Nodeep? Perhaps. She could be packaged as a victim of custodial rape and be sent off on the lecture circuit. The problem is that the Soros crowd are now under the scanner for every penny they disburse. It appears that the Khalistanis and the ISI and so forth had taken a lot of trouble to infiltrate the 'Human Rights' industry. So the Indian police can always discover that a harmless activist taking money from an International NGO just so as to send her kids to a Convent School is actually an 'anti-national' in bed with terrorists. Thus, it appears, there will be no money for Nodeep. Sad.

 Let us turn to another ambitious young woman who, however is a lawyer and fashion entrepreneur. But Meena Harris has been asked by the White House not to keep exploiting her Aunty's name and position.

 Like Nodeep, Meena is merely trying to get ahead by any means she can. The problem with Meena is that she looks White. Her Aunty is supposed to be Black. Thus Meena's woke virtue signaling on all sorts of issues- including that of Nodeep's incarceration- makes her Aunty look like a cosmetic hire who, let it be remembered, got campaign donations from Donald and Ivanka Trump when she first ran for office. 

 Nodeep is very poor. We can't blame her from taking a little money from anyone who will offer it. But, the fact remains that her family has been the immemorial victim of the very  dominant caste farmers who are protesting. Yet she is pretending to support those Patriarchal, higher caste, oppressors because of some ancient slogans re. how uniting 'farmers & workers & students' will overthrow Capitalism (now called Neo-Liberalism). She looks an utter fool- or rather a tool- who first tried to extort money from the workshop owners and then tried to get rough with the police and now is languishing in jail. 

It may be that Nodeep is quietly bumped off because she really has suffered custodial rape. But, if this happens, Meena Harris will be to blame. Still, maybe she can sell Nodeep T shirts. After all, that's how Globalized Neo-Liberalism finances its addiction to Human Rights. 

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