Tuesday 10 November 2020

Sola Fide Incestum

To Fear- Nyx to Right's inevitable All-Father notions & the veritable An'al Haq of Night's Hecate potions-
Who yet hold dear, do so by but an obstinate usury of the emotions,
Grace is that Favour fleeing which Love's Elect
Damn Faith to Incest e'er re-select 

Prince! Petrarch gelded were a mesazōn Palamite
Thy Posterity- alazôncatamite.

 Antarabhava in the womb ; Barzakh in the tomb ; Metaxy's quotidian Theosis
Saves Sola Fide, by being but Nothos to its own Khora's Gnosis.

Pray Thy Son is a bastard or all Love a bitch
 Thy Metochites Poor, or God dead in a ditch.

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