Monday 22 June 2020

Black Lives, White Lies & Dreams Untold

Some say, today, the entire Social Contract stands frustrated
How long can the Law's blood-lust be, by but blood, lustrated?
Justice rolls on like a river- down which are sold
Black Lives, White Lies and Dreams untold.

Others, planting cotton to block Marsyas from Midas' ear
In the Solipsistic South of a Chrematistic force majeure
Mint the taste in our mouth for a more melismatically grim
Rhapsodising of the Republic's Battle Hymn.

Whether issuing through gates of ivory, or of horn
Why deny Dr. King's dream was still-born?
   So Gerontion's heirs traffic Ganesha's tusk
Not heart to housel but ensoul its husk.

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