Friday 4 August 2017

A panegyric on Arvind Panagariya

That not Sen-tentious Chronos but Thy Bhagwati's Kairos govern Ind's Oikonomia
The former, a but Navya-Nyaya Availability Cascade of spurious Akribeia
The latter, Aayog's new Niti as univocal, incentive compatible, Riti
Let Vivek praise thy vivek of kshana sampatti Panagariya!

Prince! Chrematistics is heartless, its instance, as Wealth, so fraught a delusion
Work as Force times not Distance is the lonely Heart's only solution.


Anonymous said...

Are you complimenting him as an economist or praising him for having quit his Government post?

windwheel said...

Economists shouldn't be in Government. They should live quietly in the groves of Academe chanting hymns and gathering herbs and talking to animals.