Tuesday 7 November 2023

Is Nikki Haley anti-semitic?

The Nation has an essay  attacking Nikki Haley by a stupid sportswriter.

For the People in the Back: Anti-Zionism Is Not Anti-Semitism

Yes it is. Israel actually exists and wiping it out will cause a nuclear conflagration in the MENA. If you are against Israel, and only Israel, you are against Jews and only Jews. It is a different matter that you are against any country where penises are permitted to exist. The fact is penises cause RAPE. Ban them immediately, though male sodomites may be permitted an exemption.  

Nikki Haley, as usual, is wrong.

Haley is a voice of sanity. Sadly, she belongs to the wrong party.  

Nikki Haley spent four years as a hack for Donald Trump, the most outspoken purveyor of anti-Jewish animus to sit in the Oval Office in recent memory. He was, and is, an anti-Semite, and Nikki Haley, as UN ambassador, happily carried his water. This is the first and easiest reason to never take anything seriously that Haley has to say about fighting anti-Semitism.

Trump's daughter converted to Judaism. Trump relied a lot on his Jewish son-in-law. He has been a great friend to Israel. Thus, the Nation thinks he is anti-Semitic no doubt, because Trump is actually an African American lady of advanced years who carries a torch for Farrakhan.  

Yet her recent statement on the topic, taken as common sense in so many circles, demands refutation. Haley states that “Anti-Zionism is antisemitism”

which is the view adopted by Macron, the French parliament, and even the German judiciary. The UK changed the definition of anti-semitism to include much anti-Zionist speech almost a decade ago. Haley appears wholly mainstream in Europe.  

and as president she will “change the federal definition of antisemitism” accordingly. This would mean using the government to penalize institutions receiving federal funds unless they follow her mandate to punish critics of Zionism as inherently anti-Semitic.

What's wrong with that? The federal government is not obliged to subsidize crazy hate-mongers even if they claim to be against a particular country, not a race or religion.  

Haley says that, “As president, I will change the official federal definition of antisemitism to include denying Israel’s right to exist, and I will pull schools’ tax exemption status if they do not combat antisemitism in all of its forms—in accordance with federal law.” The Orwell is strong in Haley.

Big Brother, in 1984, wasn't killing or torturing people. He was taking away tax-exemptions from certain Colleges.  

Her zeal, however, doesn’t change the fact that these two words—anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism—actually mean quite different things, and no amount of demagoguery will change that. Judaism is a beautiful religion and culture, of which I am proudly a part,
Wikipedia says 'L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim (Hebrew: לשנה הבאה בירושלים), lit. "Next year in Jerusalem", is a phrase that is often sung at the end of the Passover Seder[1][2] and at the end of the Ne'ila service on Yom Kippur.[3][4] Its use during Passover was first recorded by Isaac Tyrnau in his 15th century CE book cataloging the Minhaggim of various Ashkenazi communities'
that has been around for thousands of years. Zionism is a 125-year-old political philosophy that has solidified into the idea that Jews need their own ethno-state.

Why then were this guys ancestors saying 'next year in Jerusalem' six hundred years ago?  

The nation of Israel has been around for only 75 years.

So what? The same could be said of India and Pakistan while Bangladesh has only been around for 52 years.  

I have members in my family well older than the state of Israel.

I am older than the State of Bangladesh. So what?  

It is, as Jimmy Carter has bravely argued in his last years, an apartheid state built on the dispossession of Palestinian land.

Carter quadrupled military aid to Israel in 1979. Later he became hopelessly senile and a tool of the Chinese Communist party. 

While this factual history is something that Haley thinks we should be legally forbidden to discuss in the United States,

You would be welcome to discuss it. You just might not get any federal funds or keep tax exempt status if you do it in a certain narrowly specified way.  

it is a subject of constant debate in the Israeli press: How do you justify a Jewish state if it is built, as Carter said, on “an apartheid” basis?

Israel, like Pakistan, was built on a religious basis. The apartheid regime was like the Jim Crow regime in certain Southern States of the time. But anti-miscegenation laws in America were much older.  

This conflation of anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism isn’t about protecting Jews.

It is about getting rid of a nuisance. Also, this is a good way to jail, or deprive of funding, guys who are looking to recruit terrorists who will want to slit our throats.  

It is a way of isolating, shaming, and even ruining individuals who oppose the war agenda of the Israeli state.

Sadly, they will gain more money from shady sources than they lose in terms of federal funding.  

It is a way also to chill the actions of budding activists who are against racism, against apartheid, and against a logic that has brought us to the brink of a Palestinian genocide.

Hamas has done that but only to the people it tyrannizes over in Gaza. Hopefully, their lives will improve if and when Hamas is crushed. 

Similarly, to say that anti-Semitism is anti-Zionism is also a way of communicating the idea that Jews are by definition Zionists.

No it isn't. It is obvious that people who don't want to live in Israel- because they might get killed by terrorists- aren't Zionists at all. Indeed, some Jews who weren't Zionists nevertheless had to move to Israel because they were safer there.  

This is dangerous and anti-Semitic, branding Jewish people as supporters of Israel’s war on Gaza no matter our personal politics.

This guy brands Haley as an anti-Semite because she held office under Trump and Trump, obviously, is an elderly African American woman who believes everything Farrakhan had to say on the topic of the Jews. 

Its assertion also pours gasoline on the fires of anti-Semitism

as represented by Ivanka Trump. Did you know she is actually an elderly Palestinian Salafi Imam?  

by creating a savagely unfair guilt by association.

Haley worked for Trump. Thus she must be anti-semitic because everybody knows Trump used to be Farrakhan's mistress.  

Noxiously, Haley is also winking at the evangelicals

She should be showing them her bare arse. Why do politicians try to win votes by smiling and winking? They should tell everybody to fuck off and die already.  

whose votes she desperately needs in order to climb above single digits in the GOP primary polls. Many evangelicals are Christian Zionists who believe in Israel because they see its dominance and expansion as a critical prerequisite for the Rapture—one where all us Jews end up in hell.

No. A certain number of Jews must remain but they convert on witnessing the Second Coming. You see, them dudes were under the impression that Christ died or ran off somewhere. Once they see him return in all his glory, they are get themselves baptized licketyspit.  

These are her allies. The most notorious anti-Semites are not in Students for Justice in Palestine,

they are Ivanka Trump and her husband who is actually the Grand Ayatollah in disguise.  

where many Jews have found a political home,

sadly, they aren't keen to find a political home as hostages in some tunnel in Gaza 

but in the Republican base.

Republicans are very evil. Some have penises. Penises cause RAPE! Ban them immediately- though some sodomites should be granted an exemption. 

She must hope we forget that Trumpism, not Palestinians, gave us the Tree of Life massacre in Pittsburgh,

the neo-Nazi responsible was against Trump precisely because he was 'surrounded by Jews'.  

or that she went out of her way before the bodies were cold to defend Trump, saying he should not be blamed for the synagogue killings.

Nobody in their right mind thought that a guy whose beloved daughter converted to Orthodox Judaism approved of killing worshippers in synagogues.  

None of this is to say that amid the horrors taking place, and with emotions ratcheted up to the breaking point, we haven’t seen any anti-Semitic signs or slogans in these massive, sprawling global demonstrations against the war on Gaza.

'Kill the Juice'? That's not anti-semitic. It is anti-Black and refers to OJ- right? 

Anti-Semitism has no place in a movement for a free Palestine.

Tell that to Hamas or its Iranian backers. Incidentally, an Ayatollah in Najaf passed a fatwa against Hamas. Genuine Islam considers Jews and Christians to be people whose lives and property should be protected.  

Demonstration organizers have to remain vigilant in squashing it whenever it rears its head.

Which is everywhere. To be fair, there are some people who object to the sort of leaders Israel has had in recent years. But they aren't anti-Zionist. We could say they are against the Jabotinsky version of Zionism. Similarly, there may be patriotic Americans who believe America should give up its military because only complete Pacificism is pleasing to God or required by Humanity's higher moral promptings. We may call these people 'conscientious objectors' without calling into question their patriotism.  

That is also all the more reason for political clarity.

Which involves saying Trump hates Jews and thus Haley must hate Jews.  

As Jews, we have an obligation to make clear in our own communities that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism

but Jewish 'anti-Zionism' isn't really against Israel's existence as a Jewish State. It is either a religious assertion- e.g. that no Jewish State should exist prior to the arrival of the Messiah- or else it is a political platform which endorses certain Israeli politicians and pundits while opposing those currently running things there. 

The analogy here is with the Pacifist or Humanistic Socialist who objects to all States and Economic Regimes as currently exists. These people's actions may stray into territory which is 'anti-national' but they are not anti-nationalists per se. They are simply a nuisance.  

—and that the calls for a cease-fire shouldn’t be feared but embraced.

It is obvious that Israel benefits from a cease-fire once it attains certain tactical objectives. Let the terrorists starve in their tunnels. Currently it is estimated that they have three months worth of food and fuel.  

We are already doing this at demonstrations around the world, and it marks a profound political shift.

No it doesn't. This sort of theatre has been shown to be utterly useless again and again. I suppose what worries these guys is that the Republicans will gain from Hamas's atrocities though it is Biden who is doing most for the Israelis. 

An entire generation of young Jews, to paraphrase Peter Beinert a decade ago, are feeling forced to choose between their progressive principles and support for Israel’s total war—and they are choosing their principles.

But those young Jews soon become tax-payers and decide that principles can go fuck themselves. What they want is lower taxes.  

Through organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, Jewish youth are looking at Israel’s human rights violations and saying clearly, “Not in our name.”

Then, they find out about taxes and start saying 'not with our tax dollars' when it comes to funding terrorist nutjobs.  

That’s what truly upsets Haley and Netanyau—not the spread of anti-Semitism, but people’s refusal to be pawns in their game.

Successful politicians are using nutters like the author as their pawns. We read their articles and decide they live in a fantasy world where Trump is an anti-semite and Haley is secretly the Grand Ayatollah.  

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