Monday 16 August 2021

Critical Race theory lets you call me a nignog. How cool is that?

Are you in danger of your losing your job if you call me a nigger? Not if you have a 'protected belief', argues Aysha Khanom- a teacher of Religious Education who, hilariously, has founded a Race charity. 

Whish belief does she think should be protected? Nazism? No. It is Critical Race Theory.  This opens wonderful new vistas for hate mongers. Critical Anti Semites can speak openly of kikes who slaughter Christian kids  while Critical Feminist Theorists can refer to their enemies as slutty cum bucket ho bags. 


Vasu said...

Sirji you should write about this guy pawan verma who is now positioning himself as an authority on hindu traditions history -

windwheel said...

Thanks Vasu. I have done so.