Saturday 9 February 2019

Are there really 'Seven Universal Moral Rules'?

According to an Oxford University study these 7 rules are universal.

helping kin,

helping your group,


being brave,

deferring to superiors,

dividing disputed resources,

and respecting prior ownership

Is this really a great discovery? The truth is, there is only one rule here. Be helpful unless the other guy is being a dick or if it would be helpful for you to be a dick. But it isn't moral and calling it a rule, rather than a description of what goes down, is not particularly helpful and therefore something we should avoid.

We help kin unless they are being dicks- in which case they may cease to be kin. Helping your group is the condition of being a member of that group unless they are a bunch of murderous nutjobs bound to get exterminated by those they have pissed off. In that case, joining the other side might get some of them mercy.

Reciprocity is about being helpful to the helpful and a dick to dicks. Being brave is about out dicking dicks. Deferring to superiors is helpful & part of not being a dick. It is helpful to divide disputed resources rather than be a dick about it. The same is generally true about respecting prior ownership.

Of course, if it would be helpful not to respect prior ownership or not to divide disputed resources or to run away from a battle against impossible odds, then that is what Morality counsels- unless it is being a dick.

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