
Thursday 28 October 2021

Judith Butler as God's gift to Orban

Gender dysphoria-  defined as a mismatch between biological sex and gender identity- as well as homosexuality is perfectly 'natural'. Genetic science explains why both will inevitably exist. It would be as crazy to discriminate against such people as it would be to find left handed people 'sinister' or to ascribe magical properties to albinos.

On the other hand, it is equally crazy to say that gender and sexuality is socially constructed- in particular, that evil neo-liberal patriarchy is forcing kids to become either boys or girls when they should actually be non-binary and polymorphously perverse thus subverting Capitalism and enabling the establishment of a Socialist paradise.

The reason there is a growing backlash against 'trans' and LGBTQXYZ activism is because it is stupid shit which reduces the electability of Left Liberals who previously focused on issues of concern to working people. 

Judith Butler, writing in the Guardian, takes the opposite view- 

In June, the Hungarian parliament voted overwhelmingly to eliminate from public schools all teaching related to “homosexuality and gender change”, associating LGBTQI rights and education with pedophilia and totalitarian cultural politics.

This is because teaching stupid shit harms students. Why the fuck should tax-payers fund such imbecility? Orban gained power in Hungary because he did things which helped working families. No doubt, he and his cronies got rich by doing so but the fact remains that working people need a proper return on the taxes they pay. They don't need to be lectured by crazy nutters. 

Pedophilia was in fact advocated by people like Daniel Cohn Bendit back in the Seventies as a good strategy to overthrow patriarchy and Capitalism and a cruel and unfeeling world where raping three year old children was considered a crime.  Bendit was working in an 'anti-authoritarian kindergarten' where he says '"My constant flirtations with the children took on erotic characteristics. It happened to me several times that a few children undid my flies and started to stroke me." He would not have been well pleased if anti-authoritarian parents had kicked his fucking head in to get their jollies.

 Cohn Bendit and other such loony Leftists of the late Sixties were indeed advocating a totalitarian politics in which sex with little kids was considered a good thing because it subverted 'bourgeois society' and thus brought the day of the Revolution closer. Butler advocates exactly this type of nonsense. But what she teaches is worthless shit. It does not raise productivity and, politically speaking, it helps the Right because it creates a backlash. Indeed, this type of stupidity has led to some Feminists allying with 'right to Life' Evangelicals. 

In late May, Danish MPs

So, even the Scandinavians have had enough of this nonsense!  

passed a resolution against “excessive activism” in academic research environments, including gender studies, race theory, postcolonial and immigration studies in their list of culprits.

Butler type bullshit is not 'research'. It is paranoia. It does not belong in the academy. This nuisance must be curbed. 

In December 2020, the supreme court in Romania struck down a law that would have forbidden the teaching of “gender identity theory” but the debate there rages on.

European countries have different national laws on gender reassignment- some aspects of which appear onerous or repugnant (e.g mandatory sterilization in France till 2016)- and court cases in this regard have helped improve matters. Now, because of the crazy antics of people like Butler, the case for restoring national sovereignty within the Union is growing stronger. The specter of pedophile teachers, supported by Brussels, persuading your little boy that he should be a little girl while taking it up the arse, may by itself militate for European law being taken as advisory, not binding, on member states. 

Trans-free spaces in Poland have been declared by transphobes eager to purify Poland of corrosive cultural influences from the US and the UK.

Poland may well be the Waterloo of Brussels. Earlier this month, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal decided that EU membership did not give EU courts supreme legal authority and did not mean that Poland had shifted its sovereignty to the EU. Currently, the main bone of contention is Poland's reliance on coal. In other words, Butler type craziness isn't just bad for the Left, it is bad for the planet. Parents, terrified that teachers indoctrinated in stupid shit will fuck up their kids, may demand that National law, always and everywhere, override International Law. 

All the hard work done by sober and responsible people using the proper channels- i.e. making their case to Courts and Parliamentary Committees- will be undone by Butler type imbeciles.

Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul convention in March sent shudders through the EU, since one of its main objections was the inclusion of protections for women and children against violence, and this “problem” was linked to the foreign word, “gender”.

Bulgaria was the first country to reject the convention after its Constitutional court decided that 'the convention offers a binary interpretation of gender as both a biological and social category, which contradicts the constitution of Bulgaria, where humans are irrevocably defined as biologically male or female, with equal standing as citizens. The convention therefore lays formal ground to promote non-biological definitions of gender, which are deemed unconstitutional.' 

This is a clear example of the woke nutters harming the cause of women by their virtue signalling histrionics. Slovakia, Poland and Hungary too jumped on this bandwagon. Erdogan came late to the party and appears to be fulmining against Gays probably because Biden keeps asking to watch Midnight Express with him.

The attacks on so-called “gender ideology” have grown in recent years throughout the world,

because it is stupid, mischievous, shit. Also the thing is an easy target.  

dominating public debate stoked by electronic networks and backed by extensive rightwing Catholic and evangelical organizations.

Coz these nutters use entryist tactics against religious organizations. The last thing the Church needs is more kiddy-fiddlers. 

Although not always in accord, these groups concur that the traditional family is under attack, that children in the classroom are being indoctrinated to become homosexuals, and that “gender” is a dangerous, if not diabolical, ideology threatening to destroy families, local cultures, civilization, and even “man” himself.

The plain fact of the matter is that this stupid ideology, back in the Seventies, declared in plain terms that 'subverting' sexual mores and destroying the nuclear family was the first step in overthrowing bourgeois Society.  

It is not easy to fully reconstruct the arguments used by the anti-gender ideology movement because they do not hold themselves to standards of consistency or coherence.

Butler can't 'reconstruct' shit coz she is too stupid. All she can do is launch incendiary claims. 

They assemble and launch incendiary claims in order to defeat what they see as “gender ideology” or “gender studies” by any rhetorical means necessary.

In other words, they stomp the nutters in the manner that the nutters hoped to stomp them.  

For instance, they object to “gender” because it putatively denies biological sex or because it undermines the natural or divine character of the heteronormative family.

It is stupid shit which these guys pulled out of their arse. It is foolish to pretend that everything is 'socially constructed' and that, but for 'Patriarchy' or 'Neoliberalism', everybody would be pleasuring themselves on every available traffic bollard or else participating in vast conga-lines of buggery snaking through the streets and highways.  

They fear that men will lose their dominant positions

if they do stupid shit or permit Society to be taken over by woke nutters 

or become fatally diminished if we start thinking along gender lines.

Smart men aren't going to give up STEM subjects for this stupid shit. The only people who get hurt by woke nutters are odindary Women and the working poor.  

They believe that children are being told to change genders, are actively recruited by gay and trans people, or pressured to declare themselves as gay in educational settings where an open discourse about gender is caricatured as a form of indoctrination.

That's the thin of the wedge. The reason the woke nutters are promoting this nuttiness is because they think it subverts bourgeois society and is the first step to overthrowing neo-liberalism and wrecking the economy completely.  

And they worry that if something called “gender” is socially accepted, a flood of sexual perversities, including bestiality and pedophilia, will be unleashed upon the earth.

Also cats will marry dogs.  That will subvert bourgeois society something chronic!

Although nationalist,

Coz patriotism is evil- right? 

transphobic, misogynist, and homophobic, the principal aim of the movement is to reverse progressive legislation won in the last decades by both LGBTQI and feminist movements.

Which is why sensible people should demand that the Academy defund Butlerite stupidity. It harms the vulnerable while proving a godsend to bigots. 

Indeed, in attacking “gender” they oppose

Butler type stupidity. The thing is an easy target. You can't lose by denouncing worthless maniacs. No doubt, those worthless maniacs may say 'in opposing worthless maniacs you are actually opposing the right of sweet little babies to kiss their adoring Mummies'.  We reply, 'you only think that because you eat dog shit.'  

reproductive freedom for women and the rights of single parents; they oppose protections for women against rape and domestic violence; and they deny the legal and social rights of trans people along with a full array of legal and institutional safeguards against gender discrimination, forced psychiatric internment, brutal physical harassment and killing.

also they are forcing dogs to marry cats.  

All this fervor ramped up during a pandemic time in which domestic abuse has soared and queer and trans kids have been deprived of their spaces for gathering in life-supporting communities.

No. The fervor ramped up before COVID because of the activism of woke nutters inspired by the likes of Butler.  

Gender studies does not deny sex; it asks how sex is established, through what medical and legal frameworks

Why does it ask anything so silly? Does it deny Darwin's theory of Evolution? Do these nutters really think that the apes from whom we evolved had 'medical and legal frameworks'?  

It is easy enough to debunk and even ridicule many of the claims that are made against gender studies or gender identity,

But Butler is unable to do any such thing. All she can do is tell stupid lies- e.g. being against stupid shit means you are also against cute little babies giving kisses to adoring Mummies.  

since they are based on thin caricatures, and often verge on the phantasmagoric.

Butler has just described her own oeuvre to a T.  

If it matters (and let’s hope it still does), there is no one concept of gender,

because it is stupid shit 

and gender studies is a complex and internally diverse field

coz of all the diverse assholes shitting out that stupidity 

that includes a wide range of scholars.

who are as stupid and ignorant as shit. 

It does not deny sex, but it does tend to ask about how sex is established, through what medical and legal frameworks, how that has changed through time, and what difference it makes to the social organization of our world to disconnect the sex assigned at birth from the life that follows, including matters of work and love.

This is better discussed at the hair-dressers. On the other hand, Medical specialists can do proper research on these matters. Indeed, it was thanks to painstaking work of that sort that laws and attitudes changed. The theory of evolution explains why homosexuality and gender dysphoria exist and what's more, why people of that description increase inclusive fitness- i.e. why being good to such people enables everybody to be better off.  

We generally think of sex assignment as happening once,

No. We think most people are born without gender dysphoria. However, because of the way sexual reproduction works, a few will feel they are trapped in the wrong type of body. Medical advances mean that such people- at diminishing cost- can live happy lives. The day may come when these things are fully reversible. Indeed, a few people who like that sort of thing may alternate between sexes and races and species and so forth. 

but what if it is a complex and revisable process, reversible in time for those who have been wrongly assigned? To argue this way is not to take a position against science, but only to ask how science and law enter into the social regulation of identity.

This begs the question as to whether there is any 'social regulation of identity' more particularly in a globalized world where people can exit subcultures they don't like and move to where they feel more at home. 

The other side of the coin is that if 'social regulation' is a real thing, then it is perfectly rational for us to want to stop kids from having any other identity than that of virginal science nerd who enjoys cleaning the house and mowing the lawn in between proving the Reimann hypothesis and finding the cure to cancer.  

“But there are two sexes!”

Not in India since 2014.  

Generally, yes, but even the ideals of dimorphism that govern our everyday conceptions of sex are in many ways disputed by science as well as the intersex movement, which has shown how vexed and consequential sex assignment can be.

We have no problem with Doctors and other STEM subject mavens are researching this. We don't want Butler type stupidity to be funded by anybody. She and her ilk have not helped, they have harmed, every worthwhile cause. Ecrassez l'infame! 

To ask questions about

the utility of gender studies is to very quickly discover the thing is mischievous and harmful.  

gender, that is, how society is organized according to gender, and with what consequences for understanding bodies, lived experience, intimate association, and pleasure, is to engage in a form of open inquiry

best done at the hair-dresser's 

and investigation, opposing the dogmatic social positions that seek to stop and reverse emancipatory change.

We ask to be emancipated from this warmed up sick left over from the Seventies. 

And yet, “gender studies” is opposed as “dogma” by those who understand themselves on the side of “critique”.

It is dismissed as stupid shit by everybody not actually paid to pretend otherwise. 

One could go on at length to explain the various methodologies and debates within gender studies,

which are all utterly shit 

the complexity of scholarship,

i.e. the bullshit these guys use to disguise their own idiocy 

and the recognition it has received as a dynamic field of study throughout the world,

but only by cretins- or University administrators eager to charge an arm and a leg to young credential seeking cretins 

but that would require a commitment to education on the part of the reader and listener.

Butler is admitting that if she were 'committed to education' then she would give us a comprehensive account of the various types of shit that make up her stinky field. Thankfully, she isn't committed to shit.  

Given that most of these opponents refuse to read any material that might contradict their beliefs or cherrypick from complex texts to support a caricature, how is one to proceed?

How did Einstein proceed? He had 'opponents' but didn't bother with them. He did useful stuff and so other smart people, equally concerned to do useful stuff, advanced his research program. True, from time to time, he'd say anodyne things like 'Peace is good', 'Tolerance is a Virtue', 'Freedom is valuable' etc.- but that was cool coz everybody knew he was doing useful stuff.  

Still others claim that the very concept of “gender” is an attack on Christianity (or, in some countries, traditional Islam), and accuse the proponents of “gender” of discriminating against their religious beliefs.

So what? The Darwinian theory was attacked on that basis. But as it led to more and more useful discoveries- e.g. that homosexuality and gender dysphoria were perfectly natural and not 'socially constructed' at all- tax-payers were content to fund it more and more generously and thus the field attracted the smartest young people. The reverse happened to Butlerite shite. The woman was stupid and ignorant but, hey!, she was a woman and thus deserved affirmative action. But her students and their students became more and more stupid and ignorant. Now these woke nutters are imperiling all the substantive achievement of Feminism and Gay rights. It is time to defund their shite and give them the cold shoulder. 

And yet, the significant field of gender and religion suggests that the enemies do not come from the outside

in other words, these woke nutters have formed a circular firing squad 

, and that the dogma is to be found on the side of the censors.

Cancel culture is dogmatic- no question.  

For this reactionary movement, the term “gender”

is a godsend because it is associated with Butler type imbecility. For progressives, however, the thing is a nightmare. They should have told Butler to fuck off in the Nineties. 

attracts, condenses, and electrifies a diverse set of social and economic anxieties produced by increasing economic precarity under neoliberal regimes,

as compared to starvation under non neoliberal regimes- right? Still, it is true that where economic conditions have worsened, Butlerite shite can no longer be afforded. In the past we could laugh at these nutters. Now we must defund them. 

intensifying social inequality, and pandemic shutdown. Stoked by fears of infrastructural collapse, anti-migrant anger and, in Europe, the fear of losing the sanctity of the heteronormative family,

as opposed to one where Mummy and Mummy are constantly trying to abort each others fetuses 

national identity and white supremacy,

not to mention white sanity 

many insist that the destructive forces of gender, postcolonial studies, and critical race theory are to blame.

Because they turned young people into mischievous cretins 

When gender is thus figured as a foreign invasion, these groups clearly reveal that they are in the business of nation-building

Whereas what they ought to be doing is destroying their own country- right? 

. The nation for which they are fighting is built upon white supremacy,

what wrong with white people being supreme in a white country? Perhaps Butler thinks Nelson Mandela was very naughty for wanting Blacks to rule South Africa.  

the heteronormative family, and a resistance to all critical questioning of norms that have clearly restricted the freedoms and imperiled the lives of so many people.

We are critically questioning Butlerite norms. Then everybody tells us not to bother coz they are obviously shite. That's it. That's the whole story. These nutters gained some influence because law-makers thought they were genuine academics but this has created a backlash. The great and the good will have to run the fuck away from these shitty people. For Soros, alas, it is too late. He gave away a fortune but ended up helping the likes of Orban because he funded woke nutters.

The vanishing of social services under neoliberalism

because plenty of social services were available to Oliver Twist back in Classical Liberal times- right? 

has put pressure on the traditional family to provide care work,

Mummies didn't bathe babies in the old days. A Social Worker came to do it for her. 

as many feminists have rightly argued.

Moreover, people didn't have to find sexual partners for themselves. A Social Worker would turn up to do the needful. Also nobody had to take a shit for themselves. A salaried employee of the State would do your defecation for you. Fuck you neoliberalism! You are forcing me to wipe my own bum! Fuck you very much indeed! 

In turn, the fortification of patriarchal norms within the family and the state has become, for some, imperative in the face of decimated social services, unpayable debt, and lost income.

Previously, the Government would pay your credit card bills for you while also doing your defecation. Neoliberalism has put an end to all that. This is why families now have Daddies and Mummies who tell you not to play with your feces but just finish your PhD in gender studies already. 

It is against this background of anxiety and fear that “gender” is portrayed as a destructive force, a foreign influence infiltrating the body politic and destabilizing the traditional family.

Butler is pretending that 'gender studies' always existed- it wasn't some stupid shit she and her ilk pulled out of their collective arses- and that evil neoliberalism, in between refusing to pay off your credit card debt or even do your defecation for you, is attacking Butlerite shite coz it wants stability for the traditional family. That's very naughty coz traditional families have Mummies and Daddies who try to stop you eating your own shit and thus subverting bourgeois society.  

Indeed, gender comes to stand for, or is linked with, all kinds of imagined “infiltrations” of the national body –

Just as neoliberalism comes to stand for, or is linked with, all kinds of imagined atrocities- e.g. the Government refusing to pay off your credit card debt or even do your defecation for you. 

migrants, imports, the disruption of local economics through the effects of globalization. Thus “neoliberalism” becomes a phantom, sometimes specified as the “devil” itself, a pure force of destruction threatening God’s creation (not, I gather, climate change, which would be a much more likely candidate). Such a phantasm of destructive power can only be subdued through desperate appeals to

Guardian readers to give ear to Butlerite shite 

anti-nationalism, anti-anti-faux intellectualism, censorship (cancel culture), expulsion (from Feminist alliances), and more weakly fortified borders so terrorists can stroll in and blow us up.

An ideology might be shite but its proponents may do useful stuff. In the case of gender-studies only mischief has been worked.  

The anti-gender ideology movement crosses borders, linking organizations in Latin America, Europe, Africa, and east Asia.

Whereas gender ideology has destroyed the cohesion of progressive movements wherever it has raised its ugly head. Consider the Iyer-land Liberation Front, which I founded in 1979. It split with the Iyer-land Liberation Back on the issue of whether my ass looked fat in Levis. Well, actually, it was the Levis which split in the back. If it had split in the front I could have pretended it was coz my dick was just too big and thus the opposite gender might show some inclination to study it. Anyway, that's why I didn't go to the School Disco and thus ended up passing my A levels and going to Collidge. 

Dunno why I just told you that. Sometimes I embarrass myself. 

The opposition to “gender” is voiced by governments as diverse as Macron’s France and Duda’s Poland, circulating in rightwing parties in Italy, showing up on major electoral platforms in Costa Rica and Colombia, boisterously proclaimed by Bolsonaro in Brazil, and responsible for closing gender studies in several locations, most infamously at the European University in Budapest in 2017 before it relocated to Vienna.

So Butlerite shite is a gift that just keeps giving- to her enemies.  

In Germany and throughout eastern Europe “genderism” is likened to “communism” or to “totalitarianism”. In Poland, more than one hundred regions have declared themselves “anti-LGBT zones”, criminalizing an open public life for anyone perceived as belonging to those categories, forcing young people to leave the country or go underground.

Homosexuals must be so grateful to Butler. 

These reactionary flames have been fanned by the Vatican, which has proclaimed “gender ideology” “diabolical”, calling it a form of “colonizing imperialism” originating in the north and raising fears about the “inculcation” of “gender ideology” in the schools.

Ulster Protestants have no problem with this particular piece of Vatican bull 

Anti-gender movements are not just reactionary but fascist trends, the kind that support authoritarian governments

There you have it. Butlerite shite is a gift to Fascism.  Defund the thing now!

According to Agnieszka Graff,

twenty years ago she was writing of the paradox that the anti-feminist backlash occurred before there was any feminism in Poland. It seems her confidence in the ability of third wave 'high theory' to achieve second wave goals was mistaken at least partly because of her own contribution to this stupidity

co-author with Elzbieta Korolczuk

who isn't utterly useless. Few Poles are. 

of Anti-Gender Politics in the Populist Moment, the networks amplifying and circulating the anti-gender viewpoint include the International Organization for the Family, which boasts thousands of participants at its conferences and the online Platform CitizenGo, founded in Spain, which mobilizes people against lectures, exhibitions, and political candidates who defend LGBTQI rights. They claim to have more than 9 million followers, ready to mobilize at an instant (they mobilized against me in Brazil in 2018 when a furious crowd burned the effigy of my “likeness” outside the venue where I was to speak).

So, Butler helped Bolsanoro. What a feather in her cap! 

The third is Agenda Europe, consisting of more than 100 organizations, which casts gay marriage, trans rights, reproductive freedom, and LGBTQI anti-discrimination efforts as assaults on Christianity.

by 'cosmopolitan' Jewish intellectuals. Gender studies also helps fuel anti-semitism. Is that why it is still funded? 

Anti-gender movements are not just reactionary but fascist trends, the kind that support increasingly authoritarian governments.

While gender-studies based movements render Progressives unelectable.  

The inconsistency of their arguments and their equal opportunity approach to rhetorical strategies of the left and right, produce a confusing discourse for some, a compelling one for others. But they are typical of fascist movements that twist rationality to suit hyper-nationalist aims.

Which is why attacking Butlerite shite makes them look smarter than the Libtard Professors who refused to call her on her ignorance and imbecility. 

They insist that “gender” is an imperialist construct,

i.e that it has been smuggled into International law by a global elite which is now laughing itself silly at the way this has caused the Left to implode 

that it is an “ideology” now being imposed on local cultures of the global south,

and Europe 

spuriously drawing on the language of liberation theology and decolonial rhetoric.

But genuinely drawing on the old Communist party rhetoric of 'Socialist morality'. Stalin recriminalized homosexuality. Apparently, it represented bourgeois decadence.

Or, as the rightwing Italian group Pro Vita maintains, “gender” intensifies the social effects of capitalism whereas the traditional heteronormative family is the last bulwark against social disintegration and anomic individualism. All this seems to follow from

Butlerite shite. She and her ilk have harmed homosexual people everywhere by their stupidity. 

the very existence of LGBTQI people, their families, marriages, intimate associations, and ways of living outside the traditional family and their rights to their own public existence. It follows as well from feminist legal claims to reproductive freedom, feminist demands to end sexual violence as well as the economic and social discrimination against women.

What about women demanding that they not be incarcerated with muscular 'women' with dicks who have raped women and will rape their cell-mates?  Why is that not kosher?

At the same time, opponents of “gender” seek recourse to the Bible to defend their views about the natural hierarchy between men and women and the distinctive values of masculine and feminine (although progressive theologians have pointed out that these are based on debatable readings of biblical texts).

Some opponents may do so. Others don't. The coalition against any great public mischief is likely to be a pretty broad tent.  

Assimilating the Bible to natural law doctrine, they claim that assigned sex is divinely declared, suggesting that contemporary biologists and medical doctors are curiously in the service of 13th-century theology.

Butler believes contemporary biologists don't accept that some people- for purely scientific reasons- will find themselves in the wrong gendered body and that they will be much happier and more productive if given appropriate medical help.  

It does not matter that chromosomal and endocrinological differences complicate the binarism of sex and that sex assignment is revisable.

and expensive. There's money to be made in this field. 

The anti-gender advocates claim that “gender ideologists” deny the material differences between men and women, but their materialism quickly devolves into the assertion that the two sexes are timeless “facts”.

Materialism involves timeless facts- e.g. matter can only be destroyed by conversion into energy. There are two sexes- that's true enough. In India, the Law says there is a third sex but the fact remains that two sexes exist. I will still own two pairs of Levis even if I buy a third pair whose back hasn't yet split. 

The anti-gender movement is not a conservative position with a clear set of principles.

Conservative positions don't require a 'clear set of principles'. That is their great attraction.  

No, as a fascist trend,

Fascism can have a clear set of principles- as can Butlerite shite. That's a good reason to give them a wide berth.  

it mobilizes a range of rhetorical strategies

Butlerite shite may 'mobilize rhetorical strategies' but shite it remains.  

from across the political spectrum to maximize the fear of infiltration and destruction that comes from a diverse set of economic and social forces.

Diversity does not destroy but stupid shite is destructive in that it imposes a rising opportunity cost on society.  

It does not strive for consistency, for its incoherence is part of its power.

Butlerite shite has power of an entirely negative sort- it makes the other side stronger.

In his well-known list of the elements of fascism, Umberto Eco

very foolishly 

writes, “the fascist game can be played in many forms,”

And yet no fascist regime lacked a Dictator who stayed in power till he died or fled. 

for fascism is “a collage … a beehive of contradictions”.

That may have been true of his own idiotic Semiotics. It wasn't true of Fascism precisely because Kripkean 'buckstopping' occurred at the hands of the Dictator. No doubt, some stupid fool could say 'it is a contradiction that the Dictator don't got his dick up a potato' but then the stupid fool got a bullet to the back of his head and so everybody could see that no fucking contradiction existed.  

Indeed, this perfectly describes anti-gender ideology today.

in the opinion of a cretin who thinks people who call her a cretin are Nazis who are only saying mean things about her coz they are jelly that she is soooo smart.  

It is a reactionary incitement, an incendiary bundle of contradictory and incoherent claims and accusations.

Whereas Butlerite shite is just stinky shite.  

They feast off the very instability they promise to contain,

while Butler eats dog turds 

and their own discourse only delivers more chaos.

Guys who get elected aren't delivering chaos. They are getting rich by governing. Butlerite shite creates circular firing squads which leave the progressive cause in a shambles.  

Through a spate of inconsistent and hyperbolic claims, they concoct a world of multiple imminent threats to make the case for authoritarian rule and censorship.

This stupid woman has been doing nothing but concocting inconsistent and hyperbolic fantasies about the imminent threat posed by patriarchy and neoliberalism and Zionism and people wot don't get that she is soooo smart and oughtn't to be called a cretin coz that's like totes Fascist, dude. 

This form of fascism manifests instability even as it seeks to ward off the “destabilization” of the social order brought about by progressive politics.

A fascism which isn't beating people with the backing of the Army is a fascism which will soon disappear.  

The opposition to “gender”

like the opposition to being raped or robbed or being suicide bombed 

often merges with anti-migrant furor and fear, which is why it is often, in Christian contexts, merged with Islamophobia. Migrants, too, are figured as “infiltrating”, engaging in “criminal” acts even as they exercise their rights of passage under international law.

So, gender studies backs open borders. OMG! Orban was right about Soros! His University had a gender studies dept.! That evil Jew was trying to turn Hungary into a Muslim country! 

In the imaginary of the anti-gender ideology advocates, “gender” is like an unwanted migrant, an incoming stain, but also, at the same time, a colonizer or totalitarian who must be thrown off. It mixes right and left discourses at will.

But it has been successful only because 'gender studies' is stupid, useless, shit.  

As a fascist trend, the anti-gender movement supports ever strengthening forms of authoritarianism.

Fascism was successful in countries where the alternative appeared to be anarchy. Authoritarianism includes stuff like Mummy telling you not to play with your feces but just get your PhD already. That's still better than Mummy letting her new boyfriend go to town on your ass.  

Its tactics encourage state powers to intervene in university programs, to censor art and television programming, to forbid trans people their legal rights, to ban LGBTQI people from public spaces, to undermine reproductive freedom and the struggle against violence directed at women, children, and LGBTQI people.

So, if that was the outcome you wanted, you were right to support Butlerite shite. But, if it wasn't, then the time has come to tell her she is a cretin. 

It threatens violence against those, including migrants, who have become cast as demonic forces and whose suppression or expulsion promises to restore a national order under duress.

So, if you are a migrant or a member of a minority you must tell Butler and her ilk to fuck off. Woke nutters provoke a backlash would could harm you and your family.  

That is why it makes no sense for “gender critical” feminists to ally with reactionary powers in targeting trans, non-binary, and genderqueer people.

Unless, by so doing, they can force Butlerite shite out of the Academy. If some kids in your class are trying to burn the school down, then you should side with the Staff in catching and restraining them. Otherwise your education will suffer.  

Let’s all get truly critical now, for this is no time for any of the targets of this movement to be turning against one another.

Yes it is. When you discover that a team-mate enjoys scoring own-goals, you have to criticize that cunt and get him off the team.  

The time for anti-fascist solidarity is now.

But solidarity means getting shot of worthless tossers who are only useful to the other side. Defund Butlerite shite. Cancel the thing from the curriculum.  Get behind those who have worked quietly in the background preparing legal briefs and properly researched policy papers. Don't be a fucking self-publicist constantly congratulating yourself on fighting an imaginary Fascism. Join your local branch of the Iyer-land Liberation Front. Bring a pair of Levis with reinforced seams in the bum area. I'd like to go to the Disco instead of staying home blogging this shite. 

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